
Monday, March 15, 2010

Hit and Miss

I have a couple of style mottos. The first is: “wear what you like.” The second is: “today only happens once.” Why not take a risk with your outfit today? It’s only one day of the many you’ll have in life. Tomorrow, you can wear something different.

Jacket, Odds ‘n Evens (thrifted). Dress, thrifted. Sweater vest, Karen Scott. Green scarf, import store. Printed scarf, Target. Faux pearl necklace with medallion, Newport News. Single faux pearl strand, thrifted. Lace tights, Apostrophe. High-heel oxfords, Isaac Mizrahi for Target.

I’ll definitely be wearing something else tomorrow.


  1. I have you to say that all your shoes are just incredible. They are the highlight of every outfit for me!

    I hope the play went well for you! Update us on how you think it went!

  2. I love the necklaces with the scarves! Are those polka dots on your skirt? I can't tell for sure on my screen.

  3. I love, lovedy love the scarves and beads!!!! I am an accessory nut !!

  4. Love the shoes and tights and super jealous I missed the shoes in the store. WHAT was I thinking?
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  5. I think this is a definite hit! love all the scarf and necklace layering!

  6. E! - the show was a ton of fun. I only wish more people could have seen it. Our attendance was low the first weekend, but we had nice, full houses on the last Fri and Sat.

    LHdM - the pattern on the skirt looks like little watermelon or raspberry seeds. Polka-dots is close enough!

  7. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Two scarves and a necklace - I love it! Now that's some bold accessorizing.

  8. Fantastic colour/ texture combo!!

  9. Oooh! Seeds are even more interesting!

  10. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Definitely a hit.

  11. Great philosophy. I think I'll adopt it.

    I love all the color too.

  12. I've recently found your blog and I love the way you put your outfits together. You always look amazing. Loving those tights and shoes.

  13. I like it, but I think it would be amazing without the scarf. Still, really beautiful outfit!

  14. I love the hem of the skirt, and it pairs very nicely with the granny-chic necklace. I love it.

  15. I was wondering if you ever have a day that you think, "nope, not gonna be a post that picture" kind of day. I haven't seen one yet but surely you have to have them. Also the Madden Girl Gray Shabooties are haunting me. not online. not at DSW at Fields Ertel. I will continue the hunt this weekend. love 'em! btw i was handing someone Monday's Enquirer article on Patricia Heaton and saw your pic at the top. Congrats again!

  16. DaShannon - I've not posted casual ensembles I didn't like, but always put the workwear up. Even a bad outfit can be saved with creative posing! If I don't like an outfit, I try not to complain. No one wants to hear whining.
    I'm so sorry about your luck with the Madden Girl shabooties.
    I've heard from a few people about the pic in the paper. It appears pretty regularly at the top of the living section, but Monday must have been something special because I've gotten a few coments.


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