
Monday, March 01, 2010

WCC Year 3, Spring: Day 1

I’m half-assedly participating in Jane’s spring capsule wardrobe challenge. For the previous capsule wardrobes, I planned everything in advance. This time, I’m just flying by the seat of my pants (or skirt). Stay tuned to see if I can create a unique and work appropriate outfit each day while following the rules.

Cardigan, The Limited. Dress, vintage, thrifted, and shortened. Tights, We Love Colors. Shabooties, Madden Girl (Skout).

Clothing Items (3 of 10)
1. Dress
2. Sweater
3. Shabooties

Accessories (1 of 5)
1. Tote (not pictured)

P.S. This is my marching band pose.

P.P.S. This is the sweater that totally blew my budget last month.


  1. I think it's just fine that that sweater blew your budget. It's marvelous!

  2. That sweater is amazing! It looks really nice with the more feminine skirt too.

  3. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Half-assedly is a fabulous phrase. And one I can relate to.

  4. Beautiful sweater. LOVE it.

  5. That's a gorgeous sweater! Love this look.

  6. That *is* a gorgeous sweater. I would totally wear that.

  7. That sweater is totally fab!

  8. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Adore the sweater, remember - as they say in Gilmore Girls - a budget is just guesswork. Therefore blowing it for something so fantastic is OK ;)

    Love the pose too!

  9. That cardigan!~ GIVE IT! That is amazing!~

    Also, I have yet to brave a capsule challenge. I am just too scared!

  10. Yay! Thanks for the name of the boots!

  11. I also picked my items hastily, without trying them on or combining them thoroughly. 'I'm feeling like I might be kind of screwed by Friday. Especially since I was inadvertently working with eleven items til I realized I had one extra last night. Ah well, we shall see!
    That band jacket sweater thing is AWESOME. Worth. Every. Penny.


  12. Aha! I thought you embellished this cardigan on your own. It's still totally awesome!

  13. I love the cardigan - yu hav ejust reminded me I have a similar one in my wardrobe. Must get it out.


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