
Sunday, April 04, 2010

Hoppy Easter

My favorite thing about Easter (besides the hopping), is the candy. Debuting this year: chocolate covered Peeps! They’re good, but my new favorite candy is Papas white chocolate covered opera cream eggs. I eat them for breakfast, with black coffee. Then, I hop around.

I would have taken a picture with one of my eggs, but I had the last one this morning. I’ve eaten my way through an entire box and will be buying another. They are made just across the river, in Covington, KY, and I don’t think you can get them outside of the local grocery stores.

Checkered dress, Wet Seal. Floral dress, Charlotte Russe (free from TDW). Sandals, Mossimo. Belt, Gap.

I’ve eaten many candy eggs, but I’ve only dyed hardboiled eggs, once. Here I am, thirteen years ago, dyeing eggs with my little sis:


  1. Oh, how I wish I could reach right through the computer screen and steal those shoes...they're a beautiful blue, and they would match my current purse *perfectly*!

  2. I'm not a huge fan of Papa's eggs, so I guess I never paid attention, but I'm glad you said something about them - one of my aunts came in town for Easter and was lamenting today about how you can't get Papa's eggs anywhere anymore. Maybe it's just because she doesn't live in Covington anymore! I'll have to let her know. Thanks!

  3. The photos of you and your sister are ADORABLE!

  4. You and your sister look so cute together!

  5. That outfit. I love that outfit. And you look so fresh!

  6. How on earth do you get such good air in your jumps? My friends and I did jumping pictures on the lawn in front of one of the local government buildings and I couldn't get half as high in my jumps while taking a running-start as you seemingly do just standing and jumping!

  7. Love Papa's! Ovaries of Steel are kinda like Steel Balls or Steel Magnolia's!!! ( though I only have 1 left - Ovary of Steel doesn't pack the same punch ;)

  8. Love the pattern mixing. Happy Easter.

  9. Cocoa Goddess - I don't jump very high, it's just that I pull up my feet while at the apex of my jump. I blame years of ballet.

    I also think it's harder when someone else is taking the picture. I use the remote, with a 10 second delay, and I have the timing down to be at the peak of the jump right when the shutter snaps. I hardly have to take any practice shots, these days.

  10. I love the Papas white chocolate opera creme eggs too! I grew up in Cincinnati and now live in Memphis. They are not found down here! Enjoy them.

  11. Pic #2 is just stunning! The pattern mixing and your make-up are perfect. What lipstick are you wearing?

  12. CindyinSC - I'm wearing L'Oreal HIP Shine Struck Liquid Lipcolor in 662 "Arresting."

  13. those papas eggs sound divine!

    i have nominated you for an award!
    check out my blog to pick it up.

  14. Diggin' your bright Easter wedges! Hope you had a great day (cute egg-dying, love it!)

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