
Friday, April 23, 2010

Mark Morris

My high school colors were cardinal red and baby blue. At the time, I thought those colors were simply awful together. I like the pairing, now.

Dress, Delia*s (swap). Cami, Forever 21. Scarf, flea market in California. Shoes, BCBGeneration. Studded leather cuffs, Hot Topic. Metal bangles, Deb.

I still dislike the school’s mascot. We were the Monarchs. I had to explain to many people that the Monarch was a lion, not a butterfly. I’ve had a string of obliquely named school mascots: the Trojans, the Vikings*, the Monarchs, and the Cavaliers. I didn’t know how good I had it when I was a Mustang in elementary school.

*Well, I guess people know what a “Viking” is, but I still thought it was lame. I think I would have rather been a butterfly.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. This is probably completely unrelated... but I'm curious as to why this post is called Mark Morris? I ask because it immediately makes me think of the Mark Morris Dance company, so I'm wondering if there's a connection?

  2. I love this look! very very pretty! the colors just all go so well together.

    I had a bunch of weird mascots, too. dragons, pirates, ROADRUNNERS, and then WIldcats. So I guess I only had one really weird one. LOL

  3. Oh that dress is so pretty. I love it! I'd sort of forgotten about Delia's. It was a bit of an infatuation of mine during my pre-teen/teen years, but with gorgeous dresses like that, I'll have to give them a look again!

    Happy Friday!

  4. Neither my junior high nor senior high had a team name. It was just the school name. LAME. I would rather have been a monarch (even a butterfly).

    I love this look on you, Kasmira, love love love. The mix of girly with rocker is sweet. I covet those red shoes.

  5. kjlangford - Mark Morris was the name of my high school.

  6. I LOVE the shoes.

    Black white and red are such a striking combo. Adding a surprise of another colour, the blue, is a fun approach, too, but I wonder if the blue should be the same intensity as the red? Maybe a sapphire blue? I know that baby blue is your school colour, though, so maybe you should stick with your loyalties. I just can't get Stacy and Clinton's advice about how to mix colours out of my head.


  7. I like that color combination also. Great red! I wish that more tops and skirts came in that red...without fading after a few washes.

  8. Such a pretty dress, I would never have guessed Delia's!

  9. We were the "Villains" at my high school. It was a Catholic school! Why were we the Villians?? Not a hot message to send, eh? But I love the print of your dress!


  10. I love all the red, black and white.

    Almost all the different school's I've been to were "Eagles".. until High school we were the "Knights" because our school looked sort of like a castle.

  11. Love that dress and I wrote about you today on my blog, you were my inspiration!!

  12. super votre blog, j'aime beaucoup!

  13. Julie- I'm unbelievably jealous of your mascot being The Villains. That's amazing.

  14. Wow, I love this look -- so striking!

    Also, Vikings are badass; I wouldn't have minded being a Viking. My school was the Cougars, which, at my age, now strikes me as extremely funny.

  15. My high school was the "comets". At least the colors were cool, green and white. The reason was the school is named James Lick after the Lick Observatory guy. Our mascot was Charlie the Comet(sad).

  16. This is a great outfit! classy and sassy at the same time! such good shoes!!

  17. I absolutely ADORE this whole outfit! You look smashing.

  18. I changed schools a lot growing up (Navy brat) so I've been a Bruin, a bulldog, and a variety of other things. But the best was the high school I graduated from. We were actually ranked one of the top 10 weirdest mascots. We were...the Killer Daisies. Picture a big gerber daisy dressed like the grim reaper or with a bloody knife. Seriously. ha.


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