
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Return of Jungle Fever

The last Jungle Fever mix was leopard and zebra – sort of a predator-prey pairing. This time, I imagine the zebras and giraffes are peacefully grazing and browsing on an African savanna, without a predator in sight. I could have thrown on a pair of leopard shoes to give them a scare, but I was feeling generous (and that might have been one animal print too many).

Cardigan, swap. Dress, Jones New York. Earrings. Urban Outfitters. Bracelets, Garden of the Gods gift shop. Shoes, Gianni Bini. Belt, Gap (thrifted).

(I love that you can see my bedhead in the lead photo. Maybe I dreamt that I was wrestling leopards all night.)

Jungle Fever and the sequel:

I gave the second photo the same processing treatment as the first (Photoshop auto levels) for continuity.

And I can’t forget the first time I paired a second animal print with my zebra dress:

Ack! Sorry about the very yellow picture…I hadn’t learned to use my camera’s white balance then.


  1. That dress is gorgeous!

    And there is no such thing as one animal print too many! Someday, when I have lots of clothing, I am going to wear a zoo.

  2. I like the latest version the best, i think. The prints mesh better in my opinion.

  3. Sometimes your outfits brighten my day. Today's took my breath away. LOVE IT! Probably my favorite since the beginning of your blog. Except there's no purse - wah!

  4. Anonymous12:04 AM

    The newer version is stunning! Those patterns were MEANT for each other. You're so creative!


  5. The latest is amazing. I've never seen animal prints paired together this well ever. Beautiful!

  6. You are just darling. I love your blog and am becoming a little more daring with my clothes from following it. Thank you so much for sharing your precious soul with all of us. I've even made the title of my blog similar to yours. (:

  7. I wore zebra yesterday too! LOL

    check it out - you may see another familiar face ;)

  8. I like the newest version the best - I think it's because the giraffe print reads as nearly a solid so it doesn't fight with the zebra print like the leopard does (although I love that leopard, just not with this dress).

    Brava! Very nice.

  9. OMG- I love this look and to be honest I didn't think that I would. I have always been to scared of one to many animal prints for fear of looking to Vegas but it looks awesome on you. Thanks for the inspiration:)

  10. I agree with others, this one is awesome! way better than the last jungle fever. My unadventurous self might actually wear this one. :P

  11. This is gorgeous-so elegant. And I LOVE those shoes- they look über comfortable!

  12. Multiple animal prints! I'm impressed.

  13. Wow, I do love the zebra dress!

    I'm inspired by the print mixing! I'll have to try that someday. I don't have much animal print in my wardrobe right now, but this makes me feel like acquiring some more!

  14. I L-O-V-E this outfit, and not just because I love giraffes. But I would pay a whole lot of money for a similar sweater, even though it might not go with anything else I have.

  15. this is a great outfit! I think next time you *should* wear leopard print shoes-that would be totally awesome....especially if you have a leopard print sandal.

  16. My two cents - I loved the Jungle Fever 1 UNTIL I saw this version! Love it - trumps the first pairing by far...giraffes and zebras in perfect harmony. Love love love it.

  17. Your outfit explanations make my day! Thank you for the smile on Tax Day :)

    Erin, The Cheap Chick

  18. Boy do I like this outfit. I actually have some similar fabric and was wondering what to make with it. I adore most animal prints and would never have thought to put two together! Thank you for the inspiration.

  19. LOVE this, and would never have put it together on my own! Thanks for such a creative outfit!

  20. the NYTimes set this up just for you! :]


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