
Monday, April 19, 2010

So Long

I hate Sundays right now. My long, training runs are followed by rehearsal which is followed by grocery shopping and, this week, a Play Reading Committee meeting. Wah wah wah, right? At least I got a chance to visit someplace pretty for pictures.

Jacket, Dex (swap). Sweater, The Limited. Dress, thrifted. Tights, We Love Colors. Boots, Dan Post. Bag, MCI (thrifted). Owl brooch, swap. Ring, vintage.

So long, So Long Sunday. See you next week.

Any Cincinnatians know where I’m at today?

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. I am a big fan of the textures of this outfit!

    I have been having a lot of difficulty fitting in my long runs lately. *sigh*

  2. O hai, Spring Grove Cemetery!

  3. Just saw your picture in the NYT style section on pattern mixing. Congratulations!

  4. I hate grocery shopping any day of the week. LOVE the sweater.

    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  5. I went back to your post on How to Photographs Your Outfits and I'm trying to use your advice. I hope my self portraits will look better. Thanks

  6. I am so freaking jealous of your appeals to the Napoleonic side of me. :)

  7. Did you see any ghosts?

  8. Very cute outfit. I want those boots! Spring Grove is so pretty. A friend and I have been walking there the last couple weekends.

  9. Spring Grove! I'm from Columbus and have only been in Cincy a handful of times, once to tour that cemetary.

    Love your boots!!!!


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