
Thursday, April 08, 2010

Windy City

I thought I might blow away this evening. This was the view of the city from our photo location. The clouds were trucking across the sky. Can you guess where I am?

Coat, Weatherbee (vintage). Jacket, Forever 21 (embellished by me). Tank, George. Skirt, Worthington (thrifted). Boots, Nine West. Bag, Payless. Cuff, Pangaea.

I got out of the wind to snap some detail shots.

These three photos were taken at a different spot, so don’t look to the background for location clues!

Full body photos by Beefy Muchacho
Detail photos by me

P.S. Windy City is the Muchacho’s favorite musical. Well, he says that Big River is his “favorite,” too. And Spring Awakening. He has a lot of “favorites.”


  1. Anonymous9:34 AM

    That bangle is beeeyoootiful.

  2. I think this is my favorite outfit of yours so far (and I've been reading for over a year). You just look so fashionable in the top picture, so totally put together. I covet the coat.

  3. Anonymous10:38 AM

    I second kcoldiron! I think this may be an all time favorite :)

  4. I have NO idea where these were taken.. but the natural light is gorgeous!

  5. Har Har Har. You forgot Assassins and Ragtime.

  6. Okay, he has great taste. Spring Awakening, Assassin (almost any Sondheim), Big River, and Ragtime are all on my top ten list. Have you seen/listened to Next to Normal? Insanely good.

    And very cute outfit, as always!

  7. Not to be a populist - but I loved Rent! Yeah, I'm that person...

    Anyhoo, was this picture taken by the Shakespeare in the Park stage? That's all I got - we left Cinci when I was sixteen!

    The Cheap Chick

  8. My rankings have been all messed lately. Let's say I absolutely agree with the Muchacho about SA. That's my #1. (Duh) I'd say Windy City/Les Mis/Rent are tied for #2. But he already knew that.

    Love LOVE L.O.V.E. that bracelet, K!

  9. Erin, Rent is probably still my #1, since I was 14....I can still sing every line!

  10. I looooove this outfit!

  11. Love the skirt! Very pretty - and I like the yellow accents.

  12. I spent 10 seconds looking at the outfit and 10 minutes looking for location clues. And yes, I'm a little embarrassed to admit that. But I'm guessing Fairmount Park?

  13. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Love, love, LOVE that cuff. The rest is also fantastic. I love it all.

  14. WestEnder - other side of town...I'll give you a clue - it's in Eden Park.


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