
Monday, April 12, 2010

Yeller Skirt

Last fall, after seeing Andrea’s yellow skirt, I began the hunt for one of my own. I found nothing in regular retail, so searched the thrift stores next. Finally, I bought a white cotton skirt, dyed it yellow, and hemmed it up. I'm ready for the warm weather!

Vest, McGregor (thrifted). Tee, Steve and Barry’s. Skirt, thrifted, dyed, and shortened. Boots, Dan Post. Necklace, Buffalo Exchange. Hat, Betmar.

This skirt is VERY full. I could probably smuggle a few turkeys under here. Not that I steal meat.

You can see the “before” and “after” pictures here:

I’m wondering if I hemmed the skirt quite enough, though. It is so full that it could be shorter without becoming immodest. All that yellow fabric seems a bit overwhelming. What do you think?

I suggest you...
Shorten it some more
Wear it a few more times before you decide
Leave it be
Other - I'll tell you in the comments free polls


  1. I think shorten it just a little more. It's really beautiful! I really need a white skirt for summer- I can scarcely believe I don't already have one!

  2. i love this yellow!
    i think it works perfectly the length it is now. so many shops sell teeny-tiny skirts -- i think it is more unique right now to wear something a little longer!

  3. I love what you've done with the skirt. It's amazing, and the colors in this outfit practically shout springtime!!

  4. Great DIY! I like it how you have it now, it's so cute and flirty!

  5. I love that color and how bright and cheery it is! I think the current length is great--it's still above the knees so not frumpy at all, and can be versatile for situations where shorter might not work.

  6. I very sternly voted to leave it where it is. I'm not worried that you'd be showing too much leg with a shorter skirt, but that the skirt will read as being wider than it is long and that you would look a little wider as a result.

  7. Oooh, I LOVE that bright pop of sunshine! It looks gorgeous on you, and the outfit you've built around it looks great, too!

  8. I say shorten it.... that project turned out really good.
    I hate it that I am so lazy and take forever to so projects. Boo.

  9. I love the yellow, but I think I'd shorten it a bit more or layer it over a crinoline or a puffy skirt to give it some poof.

  10. This picture went straight to my inspiration folder. I am now on the thrifty lookout for a yellow (or white) skirt! Did you dye it with a double batch of dye to get that rich vibrant color? If I follow your over-dying tutorial can I get a similar effect?

  11. Kathryn - the skirt is 100% cotton and I used an entire bottle of yellow* RIT dye (I think that's equivilant to 2 boxes). I used the washing machine method (on the bottle/box) and added the recommended salt to the dye bath.

    *I saved the bottle - so I can check on the exact color name later today and let you know.

  12. I love this outfit, you look ready for spring!!

  13. I think it's perfect as-is. Most definitely!

  14. I too think that this is p-e-r-f-e-c-t!!!

  15. I too was on a hunt for a yellow skirt. I finally found one via eBay, which I happened to wear yesterday! I love how yours turned out!!!

  16. You are so thrifty! I think its the perfect length. I'm tired of the full, junior-length skirts right now. It doesn't look too long at all...the bright color really adds its own spark without having to show any more leg!

  17. I'm very impressed with your dye job! I would leave it as it is.

  18. Love it! It's the perfect length and color, and I just love the outfit. Yellow is SO beautiful in the summer :]

  19. You did a great job with the skirt. I love it. I'm inspired to hunt down or create one of my own.

  20. I really love this skirt and will steal it from you before I allow you to do anything else to it! It's perfect!!!

  21. Ooh, I like your skirt better! What a gorgeous shape. I think it would look great an inch or two shorter - I generally shorten my dresses and skirts when they are in a very bright colour or have a very loud print, to make them less overwhelming. But it also looks lovely like this. :)

    Andrea xx

  22. Love the skirt, can't believe you dyed it yourself. I like the length now!
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    Spring Shabby Apple Dress giveaway

  23. Not only is it a great yellow but it has pockets! I'm a sucker for a skirt or dress with pockets. Well done and looks great!

  24. Love love love yellow skirts, I am a fan of all things yellow so I'm a bit biased:) the skirt is great:).

  25. Question: how do you name your style?
    I like it very much, it is like mine but i don't know how to name it. I'm sure that you know.

    And don't forget: You are doing a great job here!!!

  26. I think that skirt has to be one of the best thrift makeovers I've ever seen.

    What dye do you use?


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