
Monday, May 17, 2010

Castle of Air

I’m terrible with names. If I can’t remember yours, I make one up. And my made-up name is the one that sticks. I think of today’s photo location as the House of Glass, but it’s actually the Castle of Air. Whatever you call it, I don’t recommend throwing stones.*

Top with detachable necklace, swap. Skirt, Mossimo. Booties, Madden Girl. Sweater, Express (via swap). Umbrella, Totes. Earrings, Pangaea. Slave ring and bracelet, G&S.

A rare Beefy Muchacho sighting:

Photos (mostly) by Beefy Muchacho

*Well, maybe you could throw stones. The Castle is made of stainless steel. But I don't think the Parks Dept would appreciate you denting the mirrors.


  1. I love this outfit. The dress/sweater combo with the booties is just awesome.

    Fun photo location too!

  2. That place looks AWESOME!!! And I love the bright red coat.

  3. Anonymous11:29 AM

    So awesome that you have a zebra-print umbrella.

  4. Anonymous11:48 AM

    the slave bracelet is beautimous! And of COURSE you have a zebra print umbrella ;-)

  5. What a great location...

  6. So great you have so many swapped items but it's making my urgent need for a swap party more pressing. You have some wonderful items and you put them together so well.

  7. This is a super neat looking location! It's like a fancy little fun house.
    I adore the purple leopard print sweater, cute! :)

  8. Love your blog.
    How in the world do you manage to have your picture taken every day?

  9. the picture in the red coat that you took urself is great. one of the best on here in some ways. :]

    (btw. free yoga right by that place on sunday mornings. May 30th through the fall. 9 am.)

  10. I think we may have matching umbrellas! I FOREVER wanted your pretty one with the rose buds, but could never find something quite as fabulous -- however I ended up buying a big zebra one last year..... so I guess we ended up matching anyway!! Great minds think alike :)


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