
Wednesday, May 19, 2010


It was a pain to go from red to blond. The reverse wasn’t quite as bad, but still took three hours. The first step was to “fill” the blond with color. My stylist says the filler is always this lovely orange shade:

No worries, we dyed over this. (I kind of liked the orange, though.) Stay tuned for pictures of the finished product.


  1. Anonymous1:46 PM

    WOOT! I knew the day was coming, I'm excited to see the finished product. :)

  2. I think I prefer you with red hair - it seems to highlight your colourful perosnality.

  3. Yay, looking good so far!

  4. Ooh the in-between haircolors can be fun. I can't wait to see the updated red.

  5. Oooh, if the orange looks that good, I'm excited to see the red!!

  6. Yay!
    REd, super!!
    I loved this color on you :)

  7. You just have one of those looks, anything looks good on you!!! That's cool :)
    By the way...check out my blog mentioned you in my last post because this girl wore the same black dress for 365 days to raise money to send kids to school and it made me think of you. Not to mention, you inspired 2 outfits I wore this week following Saturdays LOL Summit! Thanks a lot :)

  8. That's really interesting that you have to use a fill color between the blonde and the red, b/c the one time I went red for real (as opposed to an auburn temp color), I had to bleach my hair blonde and then dye it the red.

    Can't wait to see the finished product!

  9. I love the orange!

  10. I know it's always hard to dye over blonde because the color tends to leak out of the hair, but that carrot color is pretty spectacular all on its own!

  11. Ooo - I kind of like the orange too! Can't wait to see the final product though.

  12. the orange kind of reminds me of the guidance counselor off of the show glee!

  13. Yay for red!! :D

  14. Ok, I totally love the orange and I think you could pull it off. Too bad it won't work for the play!

  15. Ooh, I love the orange! So exciting!

  16. Can't wait to see the red - you're keeping us hanging! Did you dye it back for a part in the play, or just wanting a change? Red on you looks great.

  17. Your hair looks so pretty! I liked you as a redhead before but this brighter red (which may be because you just dyed it) and the haircut are really a great combination. This is my favorite look so far on you including the outfit! In the first picture you remind me of the redheaded teacher on Glee, I think you're both beautiful! :) :)

    Brianna G.


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