
Saturday, May 01, 2010

Heels and Steals

I’m gearing up for the Heals and Steals portion of the LOL Savings Summit. I’ll be talking about how to get more out of your wardrobe, by swapping, thrifting, remixing, and color mixing. And the fabulous Londyn of BlogFashion will be demonstrating some remixing of her own!

If you’re attending, be sure to also bring a scarf (oblong, pashmina-sized) for an interactive scarf workshop. Amy (of Cincy Chic) and I will demonstrate five ways to tie your scarf. Bring your favorite technique to share!

Amy always looks professional and polished. She’ll be sharing her tips to beatify on a budget. (I, of the often ragged manicure, will be taking notes.) In addition, she’ll be dispensing some of her own frugal fashion advice.

See you in two weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, thanks girlfriend. You should see me now... leopard print robe and PJs. This is as professional and polished I can be on a rainy Sunday morning! :) Can't wait for the Savings Summit!


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