
Sunday, May 02, 2010

I'm a Winner

I’ll admit it: I wore this outfit to showcase my medal. Then I told everyone that I won the race.

Checkered tunic and belt, Wet Seal. Fugly dress, Jams World (thrifted). Running pants (clean, I promise), Reebok. Boots, Target. Hair clip, self-made. Purse, Payless.

Ok, I didn’t win the race. But I finished and got a medal, so I’m a winner.


  1. Here's to medals! They are the best accessory of all.

  2. Hahahaha you are a winner! =)

    Congrats to you on another race, that's so awesome. I've never done one but the hubby has done quite a few marathons and half marathons in his day. Always loved that plaid dress.

  3. Congrats! Some bling for running a race isn't so bad! :)

  4. You beat me! Love the star celebration boots.
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    Petit Rococo giveaway

  5. Super Good!! stars and plaid!!

  6. This is a cute look! I love the checkers over that dress. And medals are a great accessory!

  7. Finishing IS winning!~ Congrats!~


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