
Friday, June 04, 2010

Fringe for the Fringe

The Fringe Festival is all about novel and edgy art, not literal fringe. Wouldn’t it be great, though, to see hundreds of people wearing fringed clothing in Over-the-Rhine? Still, the people watching was pretty spectacular.

Vest, Sassoon (swap). Tank, Express. Skirt, hand-me-down (shortened and embellished). Sandals, Franco Sarto. Bag, MCI (thrifted). Sunnies, Girl Props. Necklace, borrowed from Tina.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. what shows have you seen so far? u'd like "that one show" i bet--the writer is also a big fan of owls. not that they're in the show or anything, but she's also got owl pins and the like.

  3. That tank is super cute, and great necklace from 'Tina'

    A.Co @ A.Co est. 1984

  4. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Great outfit! I could never pull this off

  5. buddy,

    I've been really liking your sunny weather outfits lately. Fringe rules!

  6. You have such a beautiful smile!


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