
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Overly Hip

I’m not sure how many more trends I could be wearing. Leotard, check. High-waisted, full skirt, check. Bib scarf, check. Glasses, check. Oxfords, check. I spent the evening with Beefy’s very hip sister, so maybe I was trying to keep up?

Leotard, Mirella. Skirt, Jack BB Dakota. Oxfords and belt, thrifted. Scarf, vintage.

She’s over ten years younger, so I won’t even try.


  1. Love that bright blue with the lighter ladylike little skirt.
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  2. I really like that skirt, it is super cute!

  3. Plus, exposed zipper trend and 80s status scarf. (PS. Your house is gorgeous!)

  4. I love that bright blue on you - and look at your toned back, yowza!

    I just can't get into the Oxfords again - I wore them to death back in the 80s (and 90s). I feel like, "No, I am done with that trend."

  5. i LOVE this outfit. very cute! would love to see you do it with some different shoes. maybe tights. maybe a cardigan. it's gorgeous!

  6. You look terrific!!!!!
    And you are way too young and lovely to not take advantage of a trend! Heck, if I were in my 30's again, I'd be sporting some DHHalo, leg-showing, F21 super-mini's ;) Just saying....
    you look great and fresh and can rock any look !

  7. WOW!!! I adore the back of that dress.

  8. I'm like more than a week late to the commenting party, but I actually kind of love the hipster vibe. The colors are phenomenal (you ARE the color queen!).


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