
Sunday, June 06, 2010

Ready for Adventure

Beefy and I made our first trip to the Tri-State Antique Market last October. I was in junk heaven. Sadly, it was the last market of the season and I pined for it all winter. The market reopened in May, but we weren’t able to attend until today.

Hat, No Boundaries. Dress, Jams World (thrifted). Waist bag, Happy Cow. Sneakers, Champion (thrifted). Earrings, self-made.

It was a wonderfully cool, sunny, and breezy day. The gusts of wind were delightful, but resulted in multiple wardrobe malfunctions. I finally had to resort to tying my hoodie around my waist.

There were many incredible items at the antique market…

And I brought home some treasures…

But this was, by far, the most awesome sight of the day:

Photos mostly by Beefy Muchacho


  1. Lol, I experienced similar wardrobe malfunctions a week or so back... some dresses just aren't meant for gentle summertime breezes.

  2. Anonymous4:51 PM

    What a vibrant dress! Jubilant, almost, if clothing can be jubilant.

  3. Yikes ! I hate free peep shows, specially when I am the one giving them !

  4. Ooh, I hate windy days + short full skirts! I've had a few of those malfunctions myself!

    That leather bag (the new one) reminds of one I had when I was 9 (1976 if you're counting). It was from Mexico. I wish I still had it!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Dogs in strollers make me laugh:

  7. How cute is the pooch in the stroller!!! My favorite dress ever ;) Did u buy a cowgirl hat??? I have 3 and LOVE em, and they're kinda unexpected which makes me like em more. I'm glad they went "out" quickly, so it feels like a unique item. kinda...

  8. Anonymous11:40 PM

    I have two owl necklaces EXACTLY like the one you found. The big one has emerald green eyes and the small one has sky blue eyes.

    I love them.


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