
Friday, July 23, 2010


I’ve got my daily dose of vitamins, minerals, and bold jewelry. I’m wearing three bulky necklaces, anchored with a big ol’ brooch.

Jacket, Forever 21 (swap). Dress, Ann Taylor Loft. Necklaces, Target and World Market. Brooch, Burlington Coat Factory. Pumps, Pulse. Bag, No Boudaries.

Today’s post is also fortified by More Vivid. I used the More Vivid setting on my camera, to compensate for the softness of the early morning light. Below, you can see the difference between the Normal and More Vivid settings:

Normal on the left. More Vivid on the right



  1. I love your pumps and necklaces!

  2. Great pumps! The pink is a perfect *pop*

  3. LOVE THOSE PUMPS. And the necklaces make me think of grapes, but in a good way!

  4. so clever with the necklaces!

  5. Fun bag! Kind of mod, no?

  6. Those shoes are absolutely fabulous.

  7. Lovely outfit. The whole thing looks fresh and interesting and at the same time balanced.
    I would never think to pair all those bold necklaces with a large brooch, but it really looks good.
    Thanks for showing the difference that using Vivid makes.

  8. I love this!!! All the colors go so happily together. That one necklace reminds me of a vintage bakelite cherries piece...yum. Also, my taste is ALWAYS set to "more vivid" lol

  9. love, love, love, love, L-O-V-E everything about these pics! The greenery, your cute outfit, those pumps -- even your pose & hair! I think it's reminding me of when I first started following your blog. You always seemed perky and cute and nerdy just like me :)

  10. That's it. I'm off to search thrift shops for chunky necklaces this weekend!


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