
Friday, July 02, 2010


Londyn and I have been tossing around the idea of coordinating a live, Cincinnati-area clothing swap. It’s an event I’d love to participate in, but maybe not plan. (I detest event planning, but end up doing a lot of it.) I was just starting to tackle the incredible logistics of a clothing swap when I was notified that someone else had planned one for the end of July. Hallelujah!

Won’t you join me?

As part of U•turn's July schedule we have concocted some special events as sudden excuses for drinking in the sunlight and expressing our own happy sense of community.

The haze of Cincinnati summer is upon us, the humidity is making us wander out looking for adventures, but what to wear?! To help with your summer wardrobe doldrums U.turn has partnered with the wondrous Chicken Lays an Egg to bring you U.swap on Saturday July 24 from 7-10 pm. We invite you to bring up to 10 items of clothing (washed please), including shoes and accessories. A suggested donation of $5.00 gets you in the door where you will have the opportunity to "swap" your gently used items for new to you pieces. All remaining clothing will be donated to GoodWill.

A summer soundtrack will be provided by the always stylish SuperMandy & Sidekar while you swap.

To complete the midsummer night's festivities Whirly Girl and Kitchenette will be on hand offering espresso based beverages, iced concoctions and elixirs for sale, along with tasty treats including their pastel pièce de résistance, the Kitchenette Macaron!

Join us for this one night celebration of community, art, fashion, food, and sustainable shopping.


  1. I've envied bloggers in other cities that get to participate in swaps. Thanks for posting this:)

    ps-if you guys ever want to organize one, I'm in. Email me and I would love to help.

  2. hii i really like your log, i would like if you visit mine and leave a comment..if you want you can also follow me on bloglovin kisses

  3. I'd come down, but we are moving four days after that, and I'm sure that frantically packing will be way too chaotic for me to participate.

  4. Oh, I am SO there! Love it!

    I'm actually spending my weekend cleaning out my closets and dressers getting ready to take things to the consignment shop next week. This works too :)

  5. I so love a clothes swap. If only I was a bit closer (I live in the north of England).

  6. Thanks for posting the flier! I can't wait to meet some of my blogger friends and help people get cool free clothes!!

  7. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Hi everyone!

    I'm new to the area but have been running my blog over at for awhile. If I can get a friend to join me I'd love to come and meet all of the local bloggers!

    Hopefully I'll see you there!


  8. I don't see anywhere that I need to register. Correct me if I'm wrong. My sister and I will be there!

  9. Am nearly livid that I missed this by a week. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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