
Tuesday, August 03, 2010


I really did get dressed in the dark (and a hurry) today. That’s my excuse for the clashing patterns and black with navy.

Jacket, Urban Behavior (swapped and embellished). Dress (worn as a shirt), Lipstick. Skirt, Side x Side (thrifted, shortened, and embellished). Shoes, Linea Paolo.

I took a good look at myself in the mirror once I got to work. I was happy with the results of my dim and rushed morning. Most of all, I was pleased with the serendipitous pairing of tassels dangling from my ears and shoulders.


  1. Love the red tassel earrings! I like getting a glimpse of your books. Is that "Hitman" by Lawrence Block?

  2. I really, really love this. The colors, patterns, and just sheer style is awesome!

    Small Time Style

  3. I like the silhouette of this outfit, and I'm totally jealous of your build in bookshelves.

  4. I think the outfit is fantastic. I looooooooooooove your built in bookshelves!!!!!

  5. Ooh, I love the sneaky peek of my favourite dress.

  6. new to your blog, and don't laugh, but i'm totally saving these photos in my "design" folder--what a freakin cute backdrop! i love that it's so colorful and cozy. (you are pretty cute yourself as well :))

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