
Saturday, August 07, 2010

Katamari Damacy

I managed to spill tonic water all over myself and my friend’s kitchen just before these pictures were taken. But I finished making my drink (gin and tonic with lime) and carried on with the photo shoot.

Blouse, Okinawa. Skirt, Dex (swap). Sandals, Aerosoles. Earrings, Julie’s Inspiration. Bag, vintage.

We passed a pleasant evening talking about theater, drinking gin and tonic and Leinenkugel’s Summer Shandy, eating roasted corn and pepper salsa (made from my Farm Fresh Delivery bounty), and playing Katamari Damacy.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. Anonymous9:15 AM

    What a spectacular blouse.

  2. This blouse never fails to amaze me. It's so pretty and drapey and gorgeous!

  3. What a great outfit! I love the mix of the elegant blouse with the comfortable skirt.

    Gin and tonics rule (they glow under ultraviolet light!).

  4. na naaaaa na na na na na na naa katamari damacyyyyyyyyyy!

    Yes I love this game, and it is sad that not a lot of people have played it. I've played it so long one time that I broke my controller. I was kind of sad.

    I also loved the game so much that my friend and I designed screenprinted t-shirts that said "This is how I roll" with a picture of The Prince on it.


  5. That blouse is fantastic! I love the draping.

  6. That purse is phenomenal and I love the vibe of this outfit.

    Also, isn't Farm Fresh Delivery awesome? I love getting my green bin of goodies every Tuesday!

  7. Atta girl! Just make another drink and keep going! :)

  8. Lovely blouse. It looks very comfortable.

  9. That blouse is gorgeous! I love how it drapes yet it's fitted! Normally I see small tents when I look for drapey blouses. This one is right on the money.

  10. I think this is one of your best outfits ever. I love the mix of neutrals and textures, love the mix of moods with the ethereal blouse and rougher skirt. Everything is just perfect.

  11. gin and tonics are the best!

  12. Hey, at least tonic water doesn't stain. I like adding a tiny splash of absinthe or chartreuse to my gin and tonics -- it adds some interesting depth of flavor.

    BTW I love that top!

  13. Katamari is completely addictive! Sounds like a fun night :)

  14. I LOVE Katamari so much that I own the Soundtrack!! That was the best Christmas present EVER!!


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