
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Cycle Weekend - Day 2

Without a car, one of the most difficult places for me to get to are the big box stores, like Target and WalMart. However, that seems to be the only place to find a sports watch. Mine has broken and I couldn’t find a replacement downtown. So, I hopped on the bike again and headed to Target on Sunday.

Hoodie, Disney. Dress, Giorgio Fiorlani (thrifted). Sneakers, Champion (thrifted). Bag, Coldwater Creek.

Supplies needed for the long cycle to Target: a snack, padded shorts, a helmet*, and a cat**.

*Of course, I always wear a helmet on my bicycle - not only to ride to Target.

**Just kidding about the kitty. Although I do have fantasies of riding with two cats in each pannier – their little faces peeking out from under the lids, enjoying the breeze.


  1. you crack me up.. nice banana phone.. hah hah... yes, I have gotten very good at cycle commuting as well.. especially in heels!!

  2. You are TOTALLY your little Mouse shirt too....good for you for getting to where you still have to go:)

    Statements in Fashion

  3. you look good on a bike. Good job.

  4. I totally want to carry cats in my panniers now (somehow that sounds so wrong)

    I think my cat would glare at me for about five seconds before squirming out and biting my ankle.

  5. That's too cute. I'm so glad you're making the helmet a priority - they can be stylish, as you prove! I ride my bike a lot, too, and leggings always come in handy!

  6. Kasmira-

    I live in Minneapolis which is a big city for biking, so I bike around town quite a bit. I love to wear dresses in the summer but I find that biking in a dress is sometimes not so easy. Passersby tend to get a peek at my underwear. What do you do to combat this issue? I have tried wearing leggings but they get too hot sometimes.

  7. Megan - I wear bike shorts under my dresses, but the girls on academichic keep a clothespin with their bikes to clip their skirts into "shorts" while they ride.

  8. love the banana as a phone pose :)


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