
Sunday, September 19, 2010


I made my annual pilgrimage to King’s Island wearing the best bag ever for amusement parks, street fairs, and antique shows.

Yeah, it’s a fanny pack. And it rocks.

Blouse, thrifted. Skirt, Dex (swap). Hip bag, Happy Cow. Sandals, Aerosoles.

My cats are bowled over by the bag's awesomeness.


  1. Hey Kas... I love this bag, the color is awesome. Fun to see you in some kinda casual clothes :)

  2. Too amazing for words! I would totally wear a fanny pack if i had one that cute!

  3. Leave it to you to find an actual pretty fanny pack and then proceed to make it rock.

  4. Anonymous12:12 PM

    i love the fanny pack! i think the leather ones are by and large pretty cute. this one is such a great color. ~joelle

  5. kim took the words right out of my mouth - fanny pack, not. Yours is a clever and stylish (and gorgeous) leather bag that just happens to sit near your, um, fanny.

  6. It's an awesome hip bag. No worries. :)


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