
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Mickey in the Mirror

I’m traveling (again). I am learning that my favorite packing strategy is to bring a few wrinkle-resistant dresses and remix them for work and play.


Jacket, American Eagle. Hoodie, Disney. Dress, I Heart Ronson. Boots, Dan Post.

I added layers and boots to a work dress for my flight. Since my meeting is in Orlando (and very close to Disney World), I had to include at least one Mickey item in my trousseau.


Shrug, Express (swap). Dress, I Heart Ronson. Shoes, Two Lips. Bracelet, Serket Jewelry.

This is the first time I’ve (business) traveled with “the golden camera.” I’m finding that the pictures turn out a bit better in the mirror than with the gorillapod and timer. In the past, I was quite disdainful of mirror shots.

On the left: gorillapod and timer. On the right: the mirror.

I’ll keep experimenting.


  1. It's hot in Orlando this week. Nearly 90. I'd skip the boots unless you want sweat puddles in them.

  2. Clever way to take your photos girl! Have fun in Fla.

  3. Ha! These are the best mirror shots I've seen.

    Love your shoes.

  4. I love your ideas on this- packing.. I am traveling alot for work these days too and always want to pack light since I am also carting around the laptop and files etc...
    I will be packing differently for my next upcoming trip thats for sure.. and always leave room for the odd new items found in new cities!!!
    great pics!!


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