
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Chili Bowl

We went to a chili party today and brought our newly invented "Triple S" chili*. It’s spicy, sweet, and smoky (and vegetarian).

Sweater, I Heart Ronson. Dress, No Boundaries. Tee, Forever 21. Jeggings, Mossimo. Boots, Diba. Necklaces, thrifted and borrowed. Purse, vintage. Gloves, Buffalo Exchange.

There were four kinds of chili to sample. (I only made it through three tastings.) Of course, I wore my eatin’ clothes.

Too much chili! Too much heat! I surrender!

Photos by Beefy Muchacho

*The recipe is still under construction...I'm happy to share it once it is fine-tuned.


  1. What a cute, cozy outfit -- totally recreating this one, thanks for the inspiration :)

    Also, how are your jeggings holding up? I think we have the same ones and I wear mine maybe once every other week or so, but they are pilling a lot from where they rub on my boots ~ are you having better luck with yours?

  2. You are the cutest thing I've ever seen. And I love love love that bag! The weaved leather is blowing my mind.

    Keep being fab :D

  3. No issues yet with the jeggings! I usually wear them with cowboy maybe they don't rub as much as another style of boot?

  4. Another cute outfit. What a great combination and it looks warm too.

    I'd love the recipe when you are done fine tuning it. It sounds delicious.

  5. Its a toss up today between needing your necklance or purse. You look wonderful!

  6. LOL Fiance had a chili cookoff at work with all the guys and he said there was chili there that never in a million years would he have called it chili. He tested all of it and needless to say I WAS THE ONE WHO PAID for the whole night after in that the offgassing was not nice!!! PU!!!

    great outfit... love the boots!! xoxo J

  7. Love the outfit! Mmm, chili competitions and tastings are fun. Please share the recipe when it's finished being refined!

  8. Anonymous11:24 PM

    that is a cool "eating clothes" !

    love the bag!


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