
Monday, November 22, 2010

Marching Orders

Must…keep…marching…only three more days of work before Thanksgiving!

Sweater, The Limited. Dress, London Times (hand-me-down and shortened). Tights, We Love Colors. Boots, Miz Mooz. Earrings, Claire’s. Bag, vintage.


  1. I love the colors in this!

    I like the short cardigan over that dress. You look very tall and slender!

  2. your green boots are fantabulous! i really like how you've paired them with navy.

  3. *grabby hands* I WANT THOSE BOOTS SO BAD I COULD DIE!!!! Ehem. Yes. They are lovely. And no, I won't wrestle them from your self next week, I promise ;)

  4. I wasn't sure how you would pair green boots when you asked me about them, but I am really loving everything you've worn them with. Especially today's outfit! I think I need green boots in my life!

    (Also that bag is the most delicious color of caramel)

  5. There's those delic green boots again to make us green with envy! Yes you can def keep marching on in those :)

  6. I love that sweater! x

  7. Super cute as usual!! love those boots and the color combo...

    I mentioned you as my fashion icon in my interview at Statements in Fashion....

    thanks for all the inspiration!!!
    xox j

  8. Those boots...ah! Love them.

  9. your boots is awesome and i always love your color combination. Do you have a secret recipe for color combo on outfits? I would love to know if you could share it in a post? ;)

    Thanks Kasmira!


  10. Anonymous1:03 PM

    I second TigerLily's suggestion: could you, please, write something about how you choose colors for your outfits?
    Your "How to" section is helping me a lot. Actually today I posted about your layering advice in my blog. Thanks for share all this with us!

  11. Lovely blog you have here :)

    Those boots literally took my breath away. I love the buttons up the side and the color is fantastic!

  12. I too love the boots. You look terrific. And thankyou for showing the sweater. I have a jacket with rivets that are too harsh military looking, I know what to do with them now!


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