
Thursday, November 25, 2010


After Thanksgiving dinner, I quizzed Beefy on his favorite dishes. We both agreed that the seasoned cashews were the best appetizer and the derby pie was the best dessert. But we disagreed on dinner dishes. He preferred the sweet potatoes and I the stuffing.

Vest, Old Navy (swapped and dyed). Sweater, J Crew (swap). Dress, thrifted and shortened. Tights, We Love Colors. Boots, Dan Post.

Obviously, these are pre-stuffing pictures. I don’t yet have that (three) thousand-calorie stare.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. cute! oh my gosh, this is one of the most immediately awesome outfits i have seen you post (one of several, really) -- it's so great!!

    happy thanksgiving!

    (my favorite is mashed potatoes).


  2. you are so great!! always creative with the color combo's. I only wish I could be that adventurous.. well. its something for me to strive toward.. YES you are my fashion ICON!! rock it sista xoxox J

  3. The owl purse is adorable!

  4. Crazy color combo and multiple necklines? Awesome!


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