
Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Eden Prairie

Greetings from the frozen north! Oh, Minnesota, why do you have to be so very very cold?!

Jacket, Fang. Dress, I Heart Ronson. Tights, Forever 21. Socks, Target. Boots, Nine West.

These open-weave tights were totally inappropriate for the below-freezing temperatures, icy wind, and intermittent flurries. Knee-high socks didn't help much.


  1. Got to layer the tights in the Minnesota winter. Hope you are still finding ways to enjoy Twin Cities though!

  2. The Dress....
    The Tights...

    Beyond Brilliant! Wow - Love this outfit and the last pictures... way too cute!

    Yours Truly

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  3. Anonymous9:23 AM

    If you are in the twin cities you HAVE to go to Opitz (Just right outside of Minneapolis). Cheap wonderful shopping :)

  4. how sad is it that I'm pretty sure I know exactly which hotel chain you're staying at just by the carpet?

  5. Welcome to a MN winter! Thick tights are a must here, but those lace ones are very cute.

  6. Just wanna say that the cats (and the Muchachos) miss you, but we shall soldier on.

  7. I love your outfit. It is a perfect combination of colours and textures and a great silhouette! It's a pity that it wasn't weather-appropriate though. I wish weather would accommodate to us and not the other way round :)

  8. Stunning outfit!

  9. I love the pattern on those tights. Looks great with your outfit.

    I can never bring myself to wear dresses and skirts in the winter unless it's a special occasion. Just way to cold.

  10. Anonymous8:47 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Anonymous8:58 PM

    If you have time, head to the Marshall's in Minneapolis on Nicollet Ave to pick up some fleece-lined tights for $4! My MN winter wardrobe is never complete without them.

  12. I was also going to recommend layering the tights, which is what I did yesterday to keep warm. Must look into those fleece-lined ones. Marshalls, huh? Good to know... Hope you're enjoying your trip. P.S. I second Opitz. It's a fun place to peruse.

  13. They may have been a bit chilly to wear, but man those tights are fantastic! Insanely jealous! Safe travels!

  14. I grew up in Moorhead, MN (next to Fargo, ND) and the weather was a HUGE turnoff for a budding fashionista. To this day I will shirk a puffy coat and wear a cute blazer, even if it's going to be -10 degrees out!

  15. Cincinnati has had flurries, but luckily nothing snowed yet!


  16. Wow, you are in Eden Prairie? So cool! I've been reading your blog for a while now and had to giggle at the fact that you're in my city! Hope it's treating you well, especially with all the snow. Cute outfit - you give inspiration to us Minnesotans that winter can still equal cute clothes.
    Tons of great thrifting up here - Optiz is great and a place next door to them called Second Debut. You should check 'em out.

  17. Dude, YEAH it's cold! I so want to wear my lace tights but I'm finding it so hard...I'm all about the fleece lined everything now that I live in the frozen northland. look lovely, though.


  18. love.that.dress.

    Great, great, great combo with the tights!

    And the sweetest thing I've ever seen is that SeƱor Muchacho commented on how much he misses you! He's a keeper, that one!

  19. How did I not know you were going to my home state?!? :)


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