
Monday, January 24, 2011

All Class

Although I dearly love to dress like a bag lady, I can recognize the situations that require a more subdued look. This dress is perfect for events that call for “classy” instead of “crazy.”

Dress, Banana Republic (thrifted). Belt, The Limited (thrifted). Tights, Forever 21 over We Love Colors. Boots, Nine West. Watch, Raymond Weil. Earrings, (Into) the Fray.

I like that classy doesn’t have to be expensive (or “new”). The dress and belt were thrifted and the boots were purchased five years ago.


  1. I think it's very classy, and that dress is a great thrifted find. I always have a hard time finding nice dresses at the thrift store. It seems like all my thrift stores carry are shapeless maxi dresses from the 90's.
    My Heart Blogged - Fashion Blogging

  2. Great dress, I love how it looks with the belt & the patterned tights!

  3. Simply beautiful. :) That's a gorgeous silhouette on you and I love adding some spunk with the patterned tights.

  4. Your boots look that good 5 years later? I can hardly believe you live in snowy Ohio!

  5. Love your classy look! You seem to find really great dresses when you go thrifting. Think I'll go today while hubs is out inspecting a house.

  6. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I like that you can do "classy" without being boring.

  7. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Classy indeed! And elegant to boot.

  8. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Very pretty! I like it!
    What are those 3 things hanging on your wall beside you? we see them a lot. Ha!

    Erna K in TX

  9. Erna K - the thing hanging on the back of the door is an organizer. Each of the squares is actually a pocket. I think maybe some people use them for mail? I just use it for decoration. If I put anything in the pockets, I forget about them!

  10. This is my favorite thing you've worn in a while, which is not to say I don't enjoy your everyday funky Kasmira style, cause I totally do. <3

  11. Very classy indeed, with a simple elegance. I love that dress (what is it made out of?) with the belt and those adorable Boots!! You are a Goddess!!!

  12. BrusselsSprout_Katharine - I polish them a couple of times a year.

    Alex - it is made of wool!

  13. It fits you regard to the boots, I bet you can see your face in them! =)

  14. Classic and chic. Love the belt and the tights - they really elevate the simple dress and boots.

  15. I love your subdued look, Kasmira!!! This is one of my very favourites ever. KILLER.

    Does that make me a subdued person?

  16. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Your olive green boots would pair well with this outfit. The tones go well together but the boots are a bit brighter so they would really pop.

  17. I just discovered We Love Colors myself and bought three pairs of tie-dyed tights from them. They're fab, if sized a little weird. Love your retro-looking chain belt!

  18. Wow Kasmira, you toned down.. :)
    Either way, you still look stylish :)



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