
Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Broken Promises

It’s a good thing I didn’t resolve to dress less flamboyantly for work in 2011. If I had, I would have broken my resolution on the first day back.

Sweater, H&M. Tank, Apt 9. Belt, thrifted. Skirt, Thailand. Boots, Rampage. Earrings, Ali’s Boutique.


  1. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Very cute! You continue to inspire me to reach beyond my usual jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt look!

  2. Wow that skirt is stellar. I think the black and white stripes totally tones it down... kinda :)

  3. So closer to summer you need to post a shopping tour guide of ur favorites in cinci. I know of at least 3 people who would make a go of it if u post the locales.

  4. Anonymous10:27 PM

    You kept the skirt long! :) It's so pretty.

  5. So very pretty! I scrolled down and looked at all your outfits, they are fantastic..I am now following.

  6. flippin awesome skirt!!!!!!
    Pangea? xXx

  7. Reva - I bought it when I was on an exercise in Thailand. It is the heaviest silk ever!

  8. This skirt is heavenly!!!

  9. Cute skirt. I may have one like that in the attic. I should bring it out and rock it like you.. Thanks for the inspiration.
    -Sahsha's Mummy

  10. Wow, Im just randomly blog jumping and glad I happened upon this one, your outfit just made me smile, its so bright and fun!!

  11. Oh well, don't suppose I'll be going to Thailand soon ;)
    I wonder if they have thrift stores?

  12. Whole outfit rocks! I am particularly in love with the skirt.

  13. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Kasmira, really... i used to love the way u dressed. a few yrs ago when i found your blog i was soooo excited to check back everyday but now i really don't get your style at all... maybe it's just me. i used to really envy the way u dressed and now it's like u just picked 2 totally unrelated items from your closet and wore them in the dark. even my bf thinks so so i doubt it's not me. maybe u call it daring... but i lovED the way u dress... just not anymore. i've been meaning to say this for sometime but i guess today's outfit just reached my limit. sigh. u used to dress the way i always wanted to dress now i duno wat happened. i'm sorry if u're hurt by these comments.. i just needed to let it out. sad :(

  14. I don't regularly comment on specific outfits, but I really liked this one. Many of my favorite outfits of yours are the ones with fewer patterns and bolder colors.

    Having seen this outfit in person, I don't think the photos do you justice (Probably because the tri-pod is a poor substitute for "photos by the Beefy Muchacho"). In person, the outfit made you seem super, super magic.

    I'm not going to ever complain about your usual skirt/dress length, but I do like the occasional variation. This one is a winner.

  15. Gorgeous!! Ab Fab; I love the skirt!

  16. Anonymous10:01 PM

    i didn't mean to hurt your feelings Kasmira... It's a blog and i thought i'd comment. and see her in person regularly so maybe you'd know what it looks like in real life. i feel so bad for saying i didn't like it.. but i guess under the cover of "anonymous", i feel connfident in saying it. your dressing style has changed.. but you're still really pretty :)

    -same anonymous person as 2 posts before this.

  17. Hey Anonymous! I'm really sorry if my comment made you feel bad for yours. I know that Kasmira welcomes all feedback, as long as it's constructive, and yours definitely is. I'd hate to see you edit your comments if you feel passionately. You know how it is... I love the lady... I had to say something nice!

    And now... back to your regularly scheduled blog.

  18. Awww!
    Beefy is a keeper :)
    ( I too have notice the 'changes' in your beginning photos til now, and :


    1. Your photos are more awesome than any out there- I always send other's your way for photo tips ;)
    2. Yous style is ever changing/evolving into something very inspiring and unique ( I love that)
    3. You don't try too hard, like me ;)
    4. You teach me to "think outside the box"
    5. You are not a cookie-cutter gal.
    6. You are a thrifting goddess.
    7. You allow other's to expand their minds ( i mix and match like crazy now, in a big part, because of you! )
    last year i would have though I had nothing to wear, but my closet is all shiny and new since following you around :)
    8. You keep me interested. ( you are never boring, nor fail to impress me )
    9. Your heart is as bold as your style!
    10. you have the perfect Hawaiian Dress ( and I now have leopard tights like your- thanks Rod....)

    And just one more:
    You're from the 'land of football helmut hair-do's and sweat suits', but don't show it ;)

    OK, I'm done....

  19. Anonymous3:20 AM

    Really love your blog :) You look good in this outfit with thai skirt ..just one little thing...the skirt...i'm not sure that you know or it's your intention to wear it that way but the flap part need to be up front :)


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