
Friday, January 14, 2011

Violet Blue

I was always confused by the Violet Blue crayon. Is it blue or purple? I think the color is something like the one created by layering these tights. Or is the effect closer to the Blue Violet, instead?

Jacket, Cami. Dress. I Heart Ronson. Blue leggings, Forever 21. Purple tights, We Love Colors. Boots, Miz Mooz. Hair stick, Ramayana. Earrings, World Market.

Hair done in the Lazy Girl’s Updo.


  1. I love the tights layering! Especially with those fabulous boots. And your hair is fantastic.

  2. Claire9:39 PM

    I rarely comment on blog posts (bad habit!) but I just had to say that I love how you work with color in your outfits. The combination of the tights and boots in this one especially is genius. Reading your blog has inspired me to be more adventurous with my own wardrobe :)

  3. Very cute! Those tights are awesome.

  4. WOW! I am loving this color combo. Layering the tights and leggings? It's a home run.

  5. I like the print in the dress fabric...If I had it, I would be wearing it with a gray sweater to tone it down... pretty funny, no?

  6. Layering those tights turned out great! Love the results. They look especially good with those boots.
    No Guilt Fashion

  7. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Love the leggings/tights combo!

  8. I thought of you this evening while sneaking through my Goodwill ;)
    got a couple jackets and the coolest coat.
    Don't tell.....
    I'm not supposed to be thrifting :)
    tra,la,la ............


  9. I've always been confused by that crayon too. Great tights/leggings combo!

  10. Stunning pairing of colours.
    You are an inspiration my dear friend.
    have a wonderful weekend.

  11. Wow, I love this! This is one of my favorite looks I've seen on you. Great layering and color pairing!

  12. Those tights are amazing - love the layering.

    Blue violet - its that color that you wear and tell people its purple, and they insist that you're wearing blue. And then you pull their hair and stick out your tongue at them and they run away crying. You win.

  13. woooooo hoooo loving the vibrant colors.. YOU are vibrant, thats says it all.... love it!! will have to take you lead on the color splash.. am weaning off black!!

  14. Great color combos!You managed to sqeese 3 strong colors in the same outfit and make it look good !

  15. Love those boots with the peacock dress! I have that same dress and I love seeing the different ways you style it. This is a color combo I have not yet tried.

  16. It's blurple! And I love the color combo today.

  17. I love the outfit and the boots but I really don't think the boots go well with this particular outfit :(

    That being said if I had those boots I would probably be pairing them with every other outfit weather they went together or not too!

  18. Awesome leggings/tights layering, Kasmira! I really love the shot of green with all the reds and blues in this outfit.

  19. Ooooh! I love your boots!!

    Thanks for all the great encouragement as well!


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