
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Clever Things

After a 14-mile run, I would have preferred to wear my jammies for the rest of the day. But, I had an audition, so I put on real (comfy) clothes.

Jacket and dress, Forever 21. Belt, Deena and Ozzy. Tights, Urban Outfitters. Boots, Matisse. Bag, Nicole Lee.

I totally forgot to apply my lipstick for the photos, but, never fear, I wore some for my audition.

I auditioned for a musical and a mystery. Here’s how it went from my (biased) perspective:

Singing: I’ve been in voice lessons since the fall and this was my second audition since I began. The song went pretty well (much better than last time!), but I either gave the tempo wrong or the pianist sped up. As a result, it was probably the most “up-tempo” version of Tap Your Troubles Away ever.

Dancing: I’ve taken three semesters of tap at CCM prep. I dropped out of this spring’s semester, but a few extra weeks still wouldn’t have prepared me for tonight. The audition piece was WAY over my skill level. Still, I smiled and gamely carried on.

Acting: Frankly, I rocked the cold reads. The read was pretty short for the musical, but I got plenty of stage time for the mystery. Cold reading is one of my favorite activities. I know you’re supposed to prepare by reading the script ahead of time, but I enjoy the challenge and thrill of performing just minutes after seeing the lines.

In all, it was a humbling and educational experience. I’m becoming more comfortable with singing in public. I need to find a way to take tap lessons more than once a week. And I wish I had the chance to do more straight plays, since that’s where my comfort, experience, and talent really lie.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. Love that yellow jacket!

    Aw, I certainly have to give you credit for trying at the tap audition, even though it was out of your comfort zone. You have a lot more guts and nerve than I do! I hope you get a role!

  2. Anonymous7:20 PM

    I would be petrified to sing aloud...have to admire you for that, and for the yellow jacket.

  3. Regardless of whether you get the part or not, you look amazing. This is such a great outfit. Definitely one of my recent favorites of yours.

  4. I love those tights! And the bright (almost) primary colors look great together.

  5. Whew! You are BRAVE. I need to endless read over lines before I'll say them anywhere, let alone in front of other people. Which is why I don't audition for stuff much...

    I have confidence that you knocked your audition out of the ballpark! You'll let us know which roles you get cast in, yes?

  6. Cute yellow jacket! You gotta put your best foot forward and just keep trying. Best of luck!

  7. I love black, purple, and yellow together. That's so cool you are into theater. When I was younger I always wanted to create the costumes for plays. I thought it would be such a cool job.
    My Heart Blogged

  8. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Just wanted to say that I think it's awesome that you're involved in local theater, and that you're willing to stretch yourself beyond your comfort level. Singing and tap-dancing? That's awesome! I've always wanted to be involved in something similar. I admire your guts and your talent!

    (You also look cute.)

  9. You know, for a "faux extrovert" you sure seem to be doing a good imitation of the real thing. Love the blog btw!

  10. Love the street photos- and congrats on singing in public, I would be terrified.

    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    Super cute necklace giveaway!


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