
Thursday, February 03, 2011

So Nice To Come Home To

After four days in Kansas City and “the blizzard of the century,” I was happy to return to relatively unscathed Cincinnati. I missed Beefy, the cats, and my fancy camera!

Sweater, Laura Leigh Ltd. Scarf, thrifted. Skirt, George (thrifted). Boots, Nine West. Earrings, self-made. Bracelets, vintage.


  1. When I go on vacation I miss my cats so much. I wanted to thank you for introducing me to the wardrobe swap group on flickr. I just did my first swap, and it was a really great experience. I am so glad I tried it, and it was well worth my time.
    My Heart Blogged

  2. Ohh, I love this warm color scheme--it looks so cozy. What a pretty scarf!

  3. Lovely soft tones! I like this look a lot.

  4. This is a great color mix. I can definitely see myself wearing something like that. I hope you had a nice trip.


  5. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Welcome home! I never miss an outfit of yours, love how steadfast, fearless, and game you are with your outfits, but I just gotta comment how lovely you look when you go the simple route as well. A nice little breath of fresh air this is :-)


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