
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Think Spring

The woods may still appear dead and brown, but the snowdrops (and my tights) are blooming.

Sweater, Takeout. Tee, LOL Vintage. Skirt, No Boundaries (thrifted). Tights, Anne Klein. Boots, Dan Post. Belt, Gap. Earrings, Monica D. Necklace, gift.

This outfit is brought to you by the season of spring and two prior ensembles:

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. The pattern on the tights is gorgeous. I will think Spring as hard as I can. After the 6 inches of snow Cleveland got it's all I can do.
    My Heart Blogged

  2. I love how you've allowed two outfits morph into one - I always feel like I'm on a roll when that happens, do you?
    The tights and earrings are very special details:))) xo

  3. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I love the sweater and tights combo! (Don't shoot me, but I think the brown leather skirt is too 'heavy' for the look.) I am learning alot about how to combine different options by checking in here, though, so I offer many thanks to you! And I'm not sure how to add a pseudo name, so just think of me as Anon from Texas! ; )

  4. I love the outfit progressions - so cool, and inspirational.
    Now if only thinking spring would keep Monday's blizzard away...

  5. what a delicious ensemble! this color combo is perfectly desserty -- and I love the textures too, BRAVO!

    ps: your hair also looks like a juicy apple in these shots -- great photography :)

  6. You are blossoming!

  7. This outfit + this environment = wonderful!

  8. i've only been reading your blog for a few days and i'm totally smitten with your pattern mixing! your outfit in this post makes you look like you were splattered with watercolors. um. that's a compliment! <3

  9. I love this, and I'm missing my cowboy boots as they're not in my 30x30 items.

  10. Love this look, the colors and that coat is gorgeous!


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