
Friday, March 04, 2011


Friday, at last. For some people, Friday is “jeans day.” For me, it’s “cowboy boots day.”

Sweater, vintage. Dress, vintage, thrifted, and shortened. Earrings, Claire’s. Tights, Target. Boots, Dan Post. Bag, thrifted.

Cowboy boots at the office? Yippee ki yay!

What? I've only worn them to work three times before today? I'll have to make up for that in the coming months.


  1. Those are great boots. I like how you dressed them up with your sweater.
    My Heart Blogged

  2. Turophile7:24 PM

    Thank you for sharing! I just bought my first pair of cowboy boots and have not yet worn them to work. I can't wear jeans to work, so cowboy boots on friday seems like a great option.

  3. Anonymous7:45 PM

    I frequently wear my boots to work and they are actually my most comfortable pair of shoes!

  4. Fabulous! & LOVE the entire blog! I recently added you to my "Who I'm Reading" List on my blog,

  5. so fab! you *almost* make me want to get a pair of cowboy boots. and that's saying a lot. :)

  6. Love this outfit, Kasmira. And I adore that you have "boots Friday."


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