
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sweaty Sunday - 18 miles

Today, I ran my longest run yet: 18 miles!

I was worried about completing this run because
- My 16 mile run was a struggle, both mentally and physically.
- I had run a fast half-marathon 7 days before.
- And I was coming out of a stressful, busy week in which I had only managed to squeeze in a single, short run.

The 18 miler didn’t start out well. I made a couple of navigation errors in the first two miles. After 20 minutes of running, despite a good breakfast, I was so hungry that I ate my first Gu way ahead of schedule. (Thankfully, I brought one extra.) But I kept my pacing slow and steady and was feeling good by mile six. Once in a groove, I relaxed, listened to my tunes, and finished the 3 hour run.

I get a little break next weekend (only 10 miles!) before the peak of my training schedule: a 20 mile run (followed by a performance in Annie Get Your Gun).

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. I know you aren't doing this for weight loss, but I'd love to know if you've lost weight because of it and if it has changed your body at all?

    I don't think I have the stamina for all that, but I love the updates!

  2. Kaumealani - I don't think I've lost any weight...I may have even gained a little with muscle. I think my calves are bigger. And I feel more toned all over.

  3. Thanks, you definitely look great, but you did before as well.

  4. I'm glad you made it, and I really like hearing about your progress.

  5. You look fantastic. I can't believe your endurance. I want to be like you!! =)

  6. ug.. I used to be able to run a bit...yesterday we WALKED 6 miles and afterward we were cold, tired and hungry so 18 miles sounds like a triathelon to me.

  7. Turophile11:16 PM

    I love your style and spunk! Training for a marathon is a wonderful experience. I need to keep it to half marathons because of some injury issues, so I'm envious. You're doing great - keep it up!

  8. rockstar..!! hope you are really taking some recovery time now.. you deserve it.. awesome work girlfriend!! xoxo J

  9. Hi - I've never left a comment before and I usually don't read them so please forgive me if you have heard this before. I HIGHLY recommend getting a Garmin (GPS watch) so you don't have to worry about routes or losing your way anymore. It changed my running life! I can just RUN and not worry about tracking mileage - the watch does the work. And it's probably a whole lot more accurate. It might take a tiny bite out of the fashion budget but I think you will find it worth the sacrifice :-) I did! And I'm a shoe-aholic! I had to give up a few pairs that month to get the Garmin but I'm glad I did!

  10. Autumn11:47 AM

    Wow. What an accomplishment! Running is a bit of a struggle for me, but reading about your milestones is inspirational. Maybe I'll start jogging part of my 'walks'!

  11. Wow, good work!

    Currently I do about a half hour a night (which is only 1.5miles...or kilometers. I'm not sure which the treadmill measures). You're inspiring me to kick it up!


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