
Monday, May 30, 2011

Kickin' It

It’s here! Summer has officially started.* It’s smoking hot and brutally humid.

Hat, Betmar. Dress, Blue Heaven. Scarf and bangle, Claire’s. Bag, gift. Shoes, Aerosoles. Earrings, Julie’s Inspiration.

It wasn’t too warm for a lightweight scarf, though. Especially when balanced by the dress’ open back.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho

*What date do you consider the start of summer? Memorial Day or the summer solstice?


  1. Yay! You're featuring the purse I sent you. I knew you'd appreciate it. Looks like you gave it a little TLC too. My logical side says summer solstice.

  2. Brina - I think the bag is just benefitting from some good lighting! I haven't changed a thing about it.

  3. Memorial Day means summer to me. By the time summer "officially" starts, I am usually sick of the heat already and counting down to fall. Right now is the part of summer I like because it's still a novelty. :)

  4. Summer starts when it's consistently hot. The weather is crazy in TN so once it stops being 40 then 90 then 20 then 70, I know it's summer. That's a fabulous bag and hat! I love that you wore bieges and tans to tone down the black.

  5. Bluesgirl3:31 PM

    I'm confused. The dress in the picture looks brown to me, but it's clearly the LBD from Sunday. Do you have it in two colors? It's adorable in either color.

  6. Bluesgirl - the dress is black, but it has faded and the light was really yellow/orange, so it looks brown. I need to hit is with some dye!

  7. Anonymous4:13 PM

    My birthday is the start of summer. ;)

    (it's just a few days before the solstice)

  8. The bag is really pretty, and I' gad summer is here!

  9. So sweet and pretty! Love the last pic especially and those nude shoes make your legs look fabulously long :)

  10. What a cute bag! I just love it. And you are wearing my favorite summertime outfit-dress, sandals and a scarf just for kicks. Summer is when it gets warm, which sadly, hasn't happened in Washington yet.:(


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