
Monday, May 16, 2011

Pretend Vacation

I’m traveling again. I’m not going anywhere exciting, but my skirt is from Thailand and my necklace is from Florida, so let’s pretend I’m going somewhere tropical. After all, I did pack my suit (for the hotel’s indoor pool). I’ll be in the hot tub tonight, imagining I’m surrounded by palm trees. Maybe I can make a pina colada a reality.

Tunic (worn as a shirt), Wet Seal. Skirt, Thailand. Shoes, Gianni Bini. Necklace, gift. Bracelets, Garden of the Gods gift shop. Watch, Raymond Weil. Bag, Vieta.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. I like your whole look, but I really LOVE the purse!!

  2. I love that top! Your outfit features such an unexpected pattern mix, but I love it!

  3. Love that purse! Especially with the red and gold skirt.

  4. Love that loooong skirt, and pina colodas.

    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  5. Super great look! I really love this skirt. I need it, I must have it. Oh sorry, I was getting excited.

    That bag is to die for too and I love that you threw a long skirt over a tunic top. Brilliant.


  6. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Love this outfit - I am stealing the plaid shirt/bright skirt idea for the future. ;D


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