
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Show Me Your LBD

If the LBD is a wardrobe staple, then I have an office supply store’s inventory. Well, not quite, but I do have seven of them, despite a penchant for bright colors. Since the little black dress is so versatile, it makes sense to have one for every occasion and season, right?

I’ll be wearing a dress from my collection as an Honorary Fashionista at Summerfair Festival’s First Annual Little Black Dress Event on June 3. During the two weeks prior to the event, I’ll profile each of my little black dresses and you can guess which one I’ll be wearing to the Little Black Dress Event.

I’d love to see all of my readers there, but I realize that many of you are located outside the Cincinnati area. In addition to Summerfair’s event, I’m hosting a virtual LBD party on What I Wore 2Day. Send me a picture or link to a blog post of you wearing your little black dress and I’ll post a LBD round up on June 3. Whether virtual or live, I hope to see you in your little black dress!

(Check out Chic This Week's tips for accessorizing your LBD.)


  1. Cool! I'll have to dig out my LBD for this and post about it. It's never been yet featured on my blog anyway! Too bad I can't attend the real event. It sure is pesky living in Canada sometimes.

  2. I think I am going to wear my LBD to graduation on Saturday so I will get a picture and send it your way!! Fun!

  3. Would you believe I don't have a LBD. Actually, I have very few dresses at all because they very rarely fit me. I am resigned to separates.

  4. I think I have about 7 LBDs as well! I've worn one recently here:

  5. I only have one LBD, and I sadly can't wear it on June 3rd because of a challenge I've got during that week. So I decided to wear it today and highlight all the ways I've worn it here:

  6. My favourite LBD look is technically a costume. However, it's made out of articles of clothing from my wardrobe, so I'll still consider it real outfit!


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