
Monday, June 27, 2011

Turquoise Tangle

I’ve become totally tangled in turquoise jewelry. It doesn’t need to be actual turquoise stone, just that dreamy sky-blue color.

Blazer, Forever 21 (swap). Tank, Halogen. Skirt, Thailand. Necklace, Serket Jewelry. Shoes, Two Lips. Bag, H&M. Sunglasses, Betsey Johnson.

I love how the blue shade pairs with coral, olive, and true red.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. Gorgeous! I love how you casually mention "Thailand" for the skirt -- I won't be finding it at Ross today, hmmmm? : > You look smashing.

  2. Patti - lol. The skirt was a souvenir from a deployment to Thailand years ago.

  3. You are a master pattern mixer!! Love this!

  4. Loulou4:41 PM

    Very cute, love the necklace and neat little jacket

  5. Love that little short sleeved jacket. Turquoise is a wonderful summery color =)

  6. Panama City, Panama - 3034 km

    (i think)

  7. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Ummmmm...I am coveting that necklace like nobody's business! Gorgeous! All of your colour combinations in this look are so eye catching.

  8. You don't have to tell me about the awesomeness of turquoise -- I love it all!
    Pairing it with coral is such a bold combo, I think it works so well too!

    Chic on the Cheap

  9. I LURVE turquoise, especially with bright warm colors like your skirt. I always say it brings out the blue in my eyes, HA!

    I thought about you when I came across this beaded turquoise belt on etsy--no pressure, just pointing it out!


  10. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I just love Kasmira and the way she combines patterns, colors and her photos! She rocks! I'm always excited to see what you come up with dear and will have to make you some kind of "killer" necklace just for you. Any requests? :D
    Serket jewelrygirl


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