
Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Hoople Head

I’ve been watching Deadwood with Beefy. The ladies’ costumes have influenced a few of my outfit choices and I’ve also had a hankering for whiskey. I thought it would be funny if I started calling people “hoople heads,” but no one can quite agree on what it means*.

Vest, Express (thrifted). Dress, thrifted and shortened. Belt, Deena and Ozzy. Booties, Sigerson Morrison for Target. Earrings, Claire’s. Bag, Nicole Lee.

Some say a "hoople head" is an alcoholic. Beefy thinks it's an opium addict. I just thought it was a stupid person.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho

* I’ve learned my lesson about using unfamiliar insults. When I was young, I called my sister a “dildo” and was absolutely mortified when my mother informed me of the term’s actual meaning. (I guess I thought it was just a variation of “dodo.”)


  1. the bright blue of those shoes is so stunning :) this may or may not sound crazy, but i have a pair of purple boots in my closet, and since i usually wear more muted tones i feel like it really takes a lot of gall to pull off a look wearing them ... but i'm working on it...

  2. I love this electric look fabulous!

  3. the dildo story was funny

  4. I love the contrast of the black lace over the cream dress. Now you've got me wishing that I had some cream clothing to pair with my black lace vest because I totally want to copycat!

  5. That belt is so gorgeous. And the dildo story is priceless, thanks for sharing.

  6. I can't take my eyes off those boots they are positively electric!

  7. I really love the vest over this, and your peacock belt. You have such great taste, and I don't know if anyone else could pull an amazing outfit like this off.

  8. I loved Deadwood and I loved the outfits! Your ensemble is gorgeous and I love everything about it! Too funny about calling your sister a dildo!

  9. I looove this outfit. The belt! The shoes! The vest!

  10. I loved Deadwood, it's a pity they didn't continue it. I reeeally loved the women's costumes though, oh my goodness. Too bad we can't dress like that without getting funny looks haha...

  11. What an amazing belt! I love the detail on it.

  12. I love Deadwood, and the term "hoople head" always cracks me up. Al seems to use it to refer to the average townspeople who aren't involved in politics, so I took it to mean something along the lines of, "ignorant civilian."

    Also, those shoes are amazing!

  13. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Your 'dildo' faux pas reminds me of a time my friend who was twelve called out to her Dad "Yo futhermucker, how you doin"?
    LEAD BALLOON and I got sent home.


    PS I LOVE the lace waistcoat.

  14. When I was 10 or so I went through a phase where I called my little brother "jackoff" thinking it meant "jerk". My mom never told me what it meant, she just sheepishly asked me to choose a different phrase. =/

  15. Wow i so love this outfit!


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