
Monday, August 01, 2011

I've Always Been a Morning Person

…a morning girl. Hooray!

However, I’m feeling less like a morning girl after staying up to watch Falling Skies. It kept me up past my bedtime (10 p.m. – yes, I’m an old lady) and gave me wicked weird dreams.

I’m compensating with lots of coffee and a shirt (really a dress) featuring multi-colored coffee beans.

Dress (worn as a shrit), Eddie Bauer (thrifted). Skirt, Talbot’s. Belt, H&M. Shoes, J Crew. Bag, Charming Charlie. Gold-tone cuff, Modcloth. Leather cuff, Epcot Canada. Watch, Raymond Weil. Earrings, (Into) the Fray.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. Lovely pattern mix! (And I'm so not a morning person!)

  2. I get up at 6:30 every day for work, which is an idea that would have made me snort with derision five years ago, when I could barely struggle out of bed for my 10am classes. I'm still not a morning person, but I'm loving those coffee beans! Too cute. (Despite hating coffee, my boyfriend's alarm song is "The Coffee Song" by Frank Sinatra. It's a good morning pick-me-up for sure.)

  3. What a gorgeous outfit! I sort of envy you the morning thing; I struggle every morning with getting up and motivated. Maybe I need coffee beans on my shirt instead of just in my cup...

  4. I am so NOT a morning person, but I have to get up at 6am to get to work. Gah.

    I love this outfit - such a great example of pattern mixing! Those shoes are wonderful. What a cool shape they have.

  5. You are the master of pattern matching. I think this is one of your best yet.

  6. I've been trying to be a morning person lately with no luck.
    Loving the shoes

  7. I am so more of a morning person too - I love to go to bed early and get up early. This is so cute with the subtle pattern mixing. The belt buckle bracelet is SO cool!! -Rachel

  8. Oh, loving the pattern mixing! These two really go well together. Coffee to the rescue, eh?

  9. I learn so much from your blog. Like Vanessa and SheWhoAccessorizesWell said, your pattern matching is incredible. That view in your first pic is AMAZING!

  10. Ally- The view is from Eden Park in Cincinnati. One of the prettiest parts in the city.


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