
Monday, September 19, 2011


My approach to aging: you get older or you get dead. I’m glad to be older because that means I’m not dead, yet.

I’m also happy to see that, as the years pass, I care less and less what other people think of me. I’m already practicing at being an old woman in purple.

Sweater, New York & Co (thrifted). Dress, I Heart Ronson. Shoes, Isaac Mizrahi for Target. Belt, thrifted. Bangles, Epcot Morocco and Charming Charlie (swap). Umbrella, Totes.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. You are so bold and fun! If I saw you on the street, I'd stop and give you a hug ;) I've been following your blog (er, lurking) for a while now and just have to say that you have the best pattern mixing I've ever seen. I was trying on clothes in my closet the other night and came across that same deLiA*s dress that you have (the kimono-looking satiny black and cream floral) and was all like, hm, how would Kasmira style this look from things in my closet? I just didn't have enough animal print to pull it off!

  2. Photo shoot at Spring Grove? ;-)

  3. LOVING the colour and pattern mixing as always! I totally agree with you about ageing: I started my blog when approaching 40 to see if I could still get the balance of age and style right!
    To quote myself: Getting older makes it more interesting - and certainly more of a challenge - than being 22 and knowing the whole of Topshop is at your disposal. Plus I have the advantage of over 25 years' fashion experience... styling just one person'.
    I hope you might find my blog interesting if you have a chance to look...?

    Have been following you for a while now, I love to see what you put together every day!

    best wishes, Catherine x

  4. I love how the pattern of the dress and cardigan work together. Those pumps are adorable!

  5. Rose, yes, we were at Spring Grove, which put me in a morbid mood.

  6. That confidence is my favorite part of getting older. That and my kids starting to move out. :-D

  7. Way to be! (Gosh that sounded cheesy, but hopefully the sentiment came through :) Olivia Munn said something similar (about aging) in a recent Cosmo interivew, and as I creep ever closer to 30, I must agree that it's true!

  8. Well said. I feel the same way. Might as well enjoy each day that we are still 1 day younger than the next! It's great to feel more self assured and happier at this age!

  9. Was it your birthday by any chance? If so, happy birthday, Kasmira! You're awesome. If not, well, you're still awesome.

    I am eagerly awaiting being an old woman who wears purple! But why wait? I wear it now!

  10. Not my birthday yet, but only about 6 weeks away!

  11. Oh, I LOVE Spring Grove! It's so beautiful and peaceful. Nothing but happy spirits there! ;-)


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