
Friday, October 07, 2011

Closet Circulation - Black and Winter White

Over the years, I’ve struggled with including my face in my outfit pictures. After all, this is What I Wore 2Day, not What My Face Looked Like 2Day.

I didn’t anticipate that my blog would become well read and that I’d lose my anonymity. I also didn’t expect the cruel comments about my face, hair, and expression that I found on forums and other community sites. On day two of my blog, neither of those things had yet happened, but I did encounter my first “bad face” day. So, I cropped off my head.


Sweater dress, Melton - I’ve sewn one tie back on, but no other malfunctions, yet.
Shrug, INC - this has proven to be a wardrobe staple.
Faux pearl necklace with medallion, Newport News - another past and current fave.


Shoes? – I can’t tell what pair I was wearing, but I’ve probably trashed them by now.

While my blog contains a handful of photos cropped in this way, I’ve shown my face in most entries. I don’t always like my wrinkles, my profile, or my hair, but headless photos are too impersonal. I’m willing to risk recognition and criticism to create a blog that is really “me.”


  1. It's too bad people use the anonymity of the Internet to lash out like that. It obviously has more to do with them than you. If you're still at WDW, I hope all this rain isn't ruining your trip! We've decided to just get wet and make the best of it!

  2. While I understand the anonymity factor, I find cropping things out to be distracting. Part of the appeal of your blog is that you seem real. Other bloggers who crop things or who only photograph their face certain ways seem impersonal, seem like they are hiding something, and seem....a little fake.

    You're lucky you're cute because even when you look goofy, it's cute goofy. So that works too. :)

  3. I am so bothered that people have been unkind to you about your face/hair/whatever. You always look far more put-together and attractive than I do on a daily basis, and I can't imagine what unkind things people could have to say about you.

  4. Tizzy - I'm sporting a super stylish Disney porch today.

  5. Poncho, that is. Although a porch might keep me dryer.

  6. I too have a super stylish, over-priced poncho. My husband and I actually spent the afternoon at Blizzard Beach - we're already wet, no lines for water slides, and the pools are warm. It was great! Now headed back to the hotel to get ready for dinner.

  7. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I'm a few years behind you, and have just started experiencing some of those things.
    It gives me that much more appreciation for you and all the energy and effort you put into your blog. You are an inspiration and I appreciate your courage in being real.

  8. Sandra8:05 PM

    I can't imagine what people who do such things are thinking. It takes guts to put yourself out there and that is one of the things I like about you. You cheer me up everyday!

  9. And, by the way Kasmira, please keep doing what you're doing. I may not comment much, but I always read your blog. Your sense of style and sense of humor make me smile! I hope you know that the readers who appreciate you far outweigh the anonymous jerks, even if we don't always take the time to tell you so.

  10. Anonymous9:24 PM

    I just found your blog and am enjoying it immensely. You are an adorable gal. Keep it up!

  11. My heart sank when I read about your experiece with cruel comments. That is so mean! Not to mention childish and pointing to these people's own insecurities. Your blog, style, and writing are fantastic, and I give you lots of credit for being brave enough to let it all hang out in a public forum. As a fellow blogger, I know how hard that can be. Like many of your readers, I look forward to reading your blog each day. You're doing a great thing!

  12. I've always admired that you put yourself out there, Kasmira, and I've emulated that myself. I think it makes your a very quality blog.

  13. Just echoing what others have said: PLEASE keep your head on pictures! :-) It is very sad and unfortunate that some mean people have said hurtful things in the past. Just keep doing what you're doing, Kasmira. I just recently found your blog (because we just recently met!), and I love it so much! And I'm looking forward to working with you very soon. :-)


You can comment anonymously - but please at least give us a pseudonym so we can tell the anons apart!

Spam and sexual or just plain mean comments will not be published. Don't cry "censorship;" start your own blog.