
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Spots and Stripes

Today was TDW’s costume and vintage sale and I was flummoxed on what to wear. The outfit had to be comfortable for lifting, bending, and reaching. It also had to be somewhat modest when performing the aforementioned activities. I needed layers that could be easily added or subtracted to transition from the cool basement to the sunny loading dock. It couldn’t have any precious elements; I didn’t want anything ruined by dirt or moisture. But I still wanted it to be “me.” This is what I came up with.

Jacket, Allen B. Tee, American Apparel. Skirt, No Boundaries (thrifted). Leggings, Target. Boots, Allen B. Necklace, Emily Lyn Design.

The necklace is a bit precious. Beefy bought it for me at The Cincy Flea this afternoon. (We snuck away from the sale for an hour.) I was very careful with it when we returned to clean up.

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. this is a funky look. i like the missing of patterns and the care free feel of this look.

  2. I'm impressed! On days that I work the book donation days at my library (moving boxes), my clothes aren't nearly as imaginative. I guess that I automatically go for pants and cotton when I think of comfort.

  3. I have probably said it before, but YOU ROCK.
    This look totally works.

  4. I love the necklace. Your tights are so cool. Love it all.

  5. ...And, might I add, you looked adorable to the max.

  6. this is a fun outfit for you! love the color/pattern mix


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