
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wide Angle

Always on the quest for better indoor outfit photos, I tried using the wide-angle lens, this morning. The focus isn’t as sharp as I’d like, under these conditions, so I don’t think I’ll use it again. I was amazed at how much wider the field of view was than with the 35 mm or stock lens. I had to crop out more of the mess and the cats kept getting in my shots.

Vest, Daisy Fuentes (swap). Dress, Lipstick. Tights, Urban Outfitters. Boots, Vince Camuto. Necklaces, vintage. Bag, Charming Charlie.


  1. Those tights! So neat! I really like them with the pattern in the dress. Delightful!

  2. Love Love Love the pattern on that dress!

    Interesting choice of pattern on the tights, so BOLD.


  3. Your dress looks better than Missoni's.

  4. I wish my camera would take indoor outfit shots half this nice. ^_^

  5. Great look (I love the rear pic with you in the mirror) - those boots are awesome. I especially like the surprise of the funky tights!

  6. Great dress, and those tights look like they are fantastic.

  7. Love that list pic f you looking into the mirror - and i cannot get my eyes off your door knob.
    Yes I am weird like that.

  8. Very boho! I especially love the Missoni-esque dress :) Speaking of which, I didn't see any good stuff from them in Target as promised by the commercials a few weeks back. There was only a small rack of lingere in my local store, which I wasn't interested in. But that was okay; it's not like there isn't plenty of other stuff out there on my shopping wish list!

  9. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Love the tights especially with the seam going up the back. :) Great outfit!


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