
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Break A Leg Charm

My lucky owl pin saw me through an audition tonight. Let’s be clear. I don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting cast. But I had a good time.

Jacket, So… (thrifted). Dress, Jovovich Hawk for Target. Tights, We Love Colors. Boots, Vince Camuto. Owl pin, vintage. Bag, Mossimo.

Singing auditions make me unbelievably nervous. I’m slowly getting over my fear through careful preparation and frequent exposure. It used to be that the mere contemplation of a singing audition a few weeks in the future made me double over with nausea. Now, the nausea doesn’t kick in until I’m in the short line, waiting my turn.

Every time I audition I learn something that will help me perform better next time. Here was my (inner) monologue as I sang:

Wow, the keyboard is quiet compared to my teacher’s piano. The acoustics are funny in here. I sound different. Is it bad? Okay, concentrate on how it feels, not how it sounds. Where should I be looking? I’ll look at the director. Oh, God, he’s looking at me. I can’t stare into his eyes the whole time. I’ll look at the wall. That’s weird; who looks at a wall while they sing about love? Hmmmm…the window’s open. I wonder if people can hear me outside. Am I loud enough? Oh, yes, I’m plenty loud. Okay, remember to take a deep breath here. Wow. It’s over.

Lots to learn from!

Photos by Beefy Muchacho


  1. What was your song?

    Loved the play-by-play.

  2. I sang "What Is This Thing Called Love?" by Cole Porter. I love me some Cole!

  3. Another outfit I'm in love with. I can't get over those boots. I'm so in love with them.

  4. I love, love, love those boots!

  5. Best wishes! Love the bag and so glad that I know now about hidden owl week! Hope other critters are to follow. I have scads.
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge

  6. This is lovely lovely lovely. I like so much the black with the tan/brown tones. It's among my favorite color combinations ever!

  7. I admire this outfit, and your willingness to audition for a singing role. I haven't sung onstage in a role since I was in high school! Maybe some day I will do it again! :-)

  8. nice outfit :)

    I've just started my own blog, I would love it if you could check it out and comment or follow if you like :)

  9. Tiffany5:31 PM

    Looks like a Gerrys jelly belly great horned owl brooch. Very cute!

  10. I enjoyed reading your internal monologue. It reminded me of something out of a novel.

  11. This outfit is epic. This is totally something I would wear and I just am in love with everything about it!

  12. I've really enjoyed all your owl posts but today I am drooling over your boots!


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