
Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I don’t know if it’s the weather or the two cocktails I had last night, but I’m plum tuckered out. I managed to fake some energy for my 6:30 a.m. photos.

Vest, Changing Scene (thrifted). Dress, Tucker for Target. Tights, Target (and I hate them – too sheer, too shiny, and tore within hours of putting them on). Shoes, Libby Edelman. Bracelets, World Market, Claire’s, and Fort. Earrings, self-made. Bag, H&M.

I can’t take photos after work today because I have swim practice. I will be well and truly tired after that! In fact, I intend to leave practice, eat Subway, and take the most direct route to bed.


  1. I love the vest with the tucker dress - great way to break up the print!

    Chic on the Cheap

  2. I love the vest over dress. I am now on the hunt for a black vest.
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. Sorry - that last comment was from me. Used a different email to log in.

    I love the vest over dress. I am now on the hunt for a black vest.
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. Your earrings are gorgeous and I love your vest! :)

  5. Anonymous2:57 AM

    I'm sorry, this is the post that finally made me unsubscribe. It seems like as little as a year ago you had some cool ideas that inspired me in my outfit choices. And I fully supported your sometimes costumey/clashy outfits, they still pulled together somehow. But the past few months these photos just look to me like an outfit a blind person put together. Not to be mean, I just feel like you put on a pretty "out there" but cool outfit, then add about 4 wacky accessories and strange shoes on top of it, and its just too much. It makes me think, geez, do people make fun of this lady on the street? Maybe it looks really cute and eccentric in person, but to me these looks are just a hot mess in the photos.

    I'm sorry, I really thought about just unsubscribing and not saying anything, and I would understand if you just think, 'god, this person is so mean' and deleted the comment, but I just felt like I had to give my two cents. I just don't understand anything about your "style vision" anymore.

  6. I always notice when you wear those shoes! They are fantastic!

    Love the red too!

  7. Anon - no hard feelings! I've certainly unsubscribed from plenty of blogs myself as tastes and styles change.

    I'm curious, though, what outfits did you find inspiring?

  8. Me too, on the black vest over dress train. Love that look. Great bag too.

  9. Just to counterbalance what Anonymous said - I didn't read your blog way back when, but I love what you do. I have a deep and abiding love for a loud print. I love mixing prints, and although I don't take it as far as you do, I certainly would if I was as young and cute as you are.

    I have unsubscribed from a blog whose author had a wonderful point of view because I just could not look at the boring, somber-colored clothing any longer. To each his (her) own.

  10. Did you buy those Target tights this fall? I just bought some in that color, as well as navy and purple. I've only worn the navy ones so far (have them on today), and I am not happy with them. Definitely not opaque. I think I'll return the other two and order some replacements from We Love Colors. I noticed you have/had some purple tights from them — do you know the specific shade? It's hard for me to look at the colors on their site and imagine how they'd translate into the real world.

    P.S. — I would never wear many of the things you do (too bold for me), but I have a lot of fun seeing what you put together. And I think I need to look into the layering possibilities of vests!

  11. I just bought the tights from Target last weekend. They are already in the trash!

    I LOVE We Love Colors. My purple tights are the "violet" color, but I think I'll try "amethyst" or "rubine" next. "Violet" is a little too blue for my tastes. I also love their "maroon" and "olive green" shades.

  12. One of my fave ever Target pieces, lovely with a vest.
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    I'm having a giveaway...

  13. I LOVE this outfit! I find you inspiring, Kasmira, because you try all sorts of things that look fantastic. I'm not sure I would be bold enough to wear them, but I certainly don't think you look crazy. If I saw you on the street, I'd think, "Wow, that girl looks awesome!" :-)

  14. I have been following your blog for a while now. I am by no means as "wild" as you are (and to me it's not negative) but I certainly admire your guts! Your style has evolved tremendously throughout the years. As some others mentioned, I would not wear most of the outfits you do, but I find your style inspiring and fun. You are passionate about what you do and you're a creative person, these are qualities I admire from you! Your style is unique and that's why I like it so much!

  15. I chuckled when I saw this "Tuckered Out" headline. I enjoy your clever writing as much as your fabulous outfits :) I'm amazed by how many interesting ways you've styled this dress.


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