
Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Cool Copy

I totally copied this outfit from Daena of Clothes Karma. Just like her, I’m wearing a printed blouse, sweater vest, corduroy blazer, and trouser jeans. So as to not be a complete biter, I wore earrings instead of a necklace and chose a cool color palette instead of warm.

Blazer, Tommy Hilfiger (thrifted). Shirt, INC (cut from a swapped dress). Sweater vest, Karen Scott. Trouser jeans, Express. Heels, Colin Stuart. Earrings, Urban Outfitters. Purse, Fossil.

Because I have some sort of corduroy blazer fetish, I have jackets in tan and orange*, too. So I can copy Daena a few more times.

Since I work from dawn to dusk, at least Daena doesn’t have to worry about me copying her photo locations. I’m stuck in the hallway for a few months.

Me and my inspiration

*I also had one in pink, (motorcycle style instead of blazer) but finally said enough is enough!


  1. So super cute plus that bag is AMAZING!!

  2. Great look! Love the colors!

  3. LOVE this look! I may have to do a version of this as well. But I'll have to wait until it actually gets cold enough here in the South for a skirt, sweater AND blazer! lol. Keep up the inspiring good work!

  4. Cute copy! I love the greens! Your hair looks really cute like that too!

    I too have a corduroy blazer fetish! One of the reasons I love fall because I get to get them back out!

  5. Will you post some close-ups or a tutorial of your hairstyle from this post and from 'Been Round the World'? My hair is a similar length, and I been really about not styling it of late.

  6. I love those wide leg jeans!

  7. LOVE how this outfit turned out! Looks so awesome. I'd stop you on the street to tell you how much I loved your outfit if I saw you walking towards me, that's how much I dig it, lol.

  8. You really brought a new level of sophistication to my casual, weekend outfit.

    Question: when you cut off the bottom half of your dress to make this shirt, did you sew the frayed edges? I've been thinking about doing this with some of my dresses.

    I had to giggle when I saw those last pictures of us side by side. I look so short and squat compared to you. Is it the camera angle or are you really that much taller? I'm 5'4".

    -Daena :)

  9. Beautiful look! I love all the colors and how it all seems to sync together in the end. Plus: three layers. Whoa, whoa-- I'm still trying to figure out two. ;)

  10. Clothes Karma - you do NOT look squat! I can tell your pic is taken from a higher elevation, though. I place the camera at hip height for full body shots. I'm an inch and a half taller than you.
    I did not hem this "shirt." I just be sure to tuck in the hem. It is silk and doesn't really fray.

  11. OK, Kasmira! You inspired me to use your outfit to inspire my outfit in a type of Style Blog Telephone Tag!

  12. Oh, and do you mind if I post a picture of you on my blog to show the evolution in one place? :)

  13. Fashion Flirt - please feel free to repost the pic. Thanks for asking!

    Some people call this phenomenon a "style chain." I like that. Sort of like a chain letter you are happy to get!

  14. I like that - Style Chain! Definitely WAY better than the chain letters of yore. Never used to like participating in those, but the threat of a TERRIBLE THING happening a some point in the future always encouraged me to get my letters out there, lol.

  15. I think I will give that look a go myself - fabulous.

  16. Wow you look amazing!
    Autumn colors look very good on you!

    XO Arezu

  17. Love this color combo! Great inspired outfit. The patterned collared shirt layered underneath is a great touch.

  18. Okay of all of your thousands of outfits I like this one the least. So Im being critical not cool, but at least I hope it is considered constructive. The jacket doesnt fit in the shoulders. You are way smaller than the jacket. The trousers dont flatter your body type. You have such a perfect hourglass shape these are not your best choice. I also think your natural coloring is more of a spring/warm. I think these colors are too harsh. You are such a beauty and I adore your sense of humor.

  19. Loving this look on you. Maybe it is the classic green with red hair, or maybe it is the wide leg jean. Looks great and I love the hair up with the side swept bangs. Cute. Cute. Cute.
    Miss Angela


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