
Thursday, January 05, 2012

The Enchiladas Are in the Oven

When I share examples of my daily or weekly schedule, I’m often asked, “How do you do it all?” I usually answer with a list of things I don’t do: raise children, drive, attend church, socialize, watch tv. (Well, I do the last two things – but very little.) My other “trick” is to fill all the little holes in my schedule with something productive.

Jacket, H&M (thrifted). Cardigan, NY & Co (thrifted). Skirt, Leslie Faye (thrifted). Belt, Buckle. Boots, Style & Co (thrifted). Bag, Fossil. Earrings, Ali’s Boutique.

For example, I took these photos while dinner (refried bean enchiladas) heated in the oven. I run at lunch and eat while I work. I practice my voice lesson while I clean the kitchen. I learn lines on the bus. I review blog comments as I wait in line. I dream up outfits while I swim. And I still wish I could do more. Maybe learn a language while I sleep?

...because I spend a lot of time sleeping. I'm an 8-to-10-hours-a-night kind of girl. I guess I wear myself out.


  1. You are such a go-getter! I often get asked how I manage to read so much. (I usually read a book a week). That's an easy one: I replaced television watching with reading! I too am guilty of eating while I work. Yesterday I took my first real lunch in over a month (where I sat at a table that didn't have a computer)!

  2. Very witty post and very creative outfit!

  3. God, you just reminded me of how very lazy I am.

  4. Absolutely gorgeous skirt. Love all the pattern mixing =D

  5. I've always loved this skirt! It's especially vivid with the leopard top here. And it even has a bit of Latin flair to match your dinner.

    It was interesting hearing about your schedule. I don't do a lot of the stuff you mentioned either, except watch TV and drive. I'm admittedly addicted to TV. But I hate driving. So I kind of envy you there :)

  6. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I've been lurking for a month!! I love your style!! Your fresh takes on pattern mixing is inspiring me to break out more!

  7. Ah! Multitasking, I'm trying to double up on things I do. I already cook while doing laundry, do homework while listening to music, read while watching television (I am nearly always reading a book at the same time as watching tv).

    I want to also add, I'm surprised at the number of bloggers who don't drive. I don't and people find it so odd.

    Love your leather jacket with the pattern mix. I think it gives an edgy look to the femme skirt.

  8. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Wow, I am impressed! You must feel so accomplished by the time you go to sleep each night!

  9. Ah, the old multi tasker method! I do that as well; I love watching Braves baseball but can't afford to just sit so I'm usually stitching and listening to a book on tape while I "watch" the game. I used to be hooked on TV but have found that I get lots more done when it is off at night.


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