
Sunday, January 08, 2012

Hot Pants Cold Legs

Despite wearing short denim shorts in January, I did not have cold legs. I didn’t get a chance to be cold. I was too busy rushing around. I had an 11 mile run, rehearsal, and baking time with Beefy (making Top Secret Recipe’s version of Cranberry Bliss bars). All that activity keeps me warm. The legwarmers and hot oven help, too.

Scarf, Walgreen’s. Cardigan, Takeout. Sweater, Ann Taylor Loft. Shorts, Arizona (thrifted). Leggings, Target. Legwarmers, Sock Dreams. Boots, Matisse. Belt, swap. Earrings, Style & Co.


  1. Those shorts are so cute!

  2. What a killer outfit! I love the vibrant colours of your top and cardi paired with the unique shorts :)

  3. You look so cute! I love your choice of this scarf...really adds the perfect touch!

  4. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Love the pop of the black and white scarf against all of the colors!!
    Honey--when you get to be my age you are always warm, too-- just flashing away!

  5. You look so pretty
    Lovely outfit and killer boots

  6. What a fun look! My favorite piece is the cardigan (Takeout sweaters are always fun!), but it's all fabulous.

  7. You are amazing! I can barely get dressed and you are running, rehearsing, and looking fabulous.

  8. I could never rock this style. You never cease to amaze me with your Boho style.


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