
Monday, January 16, 2012


I only like to read one major fashion magazine: Lucky. InStyle has too many celebrities, Nylon is too cool for me, People Style Watch is a glorified catalog, and I just don’t get Vogue. I have a subscription to Lucky and devour it within days, so when I need something additional to read on the go, I stand, stumped, in front of the magazine rack.

Quite honestly, after Lucky, my next pick is either Seventeen or Teen Vogue. Both feature accessible brands and fun styling. Seventeen has the added allure of really bad teen dating advice, so I bought an issue last week. This outfit was inspired by an editorial on styles for tall girls. I’m not tall, but I wore high heels to make it work.

Jacket, Forever 21 (overdyed). Fur collar, heirloom from Beefy’s aunt. Sweater, Merona. Skirt, Outlander (thrifted and gifted). Leggings, Danskin. Boots, Style & Co (thrifted). Earrings, Pangaea.

When I was a teen, I LOVED Seventeen. I still remember when Milla Jovovich and Cameron Diaz graced the covers. I always wondered, though, if it were okay for me to read the magazine when I wasn’t quite seventeen years old myself. By the time I was seventeen, I had moved on to Cosmopolitan. Now, I’m more than double seventeen and wondering, again, if I’m the wrong age to be reading it.

P.S. This is what I looked like when I was seventeen:


  1. Anonymous5:37 AM

    That collar looks great with the denim jacket - don't know why I've never thought of doing this! More than teen magazines, I still miss the girl's comics I read when I was really young (mainly Bunty, which was full of outdated boarding school stories and dubious DIY fashion advice!).

  2. It's fine to read whatever you want regardless of your age! In fact if there were still Sassy I'm pretty sure I'd devour it. I would not take the dating advice too seriously though.

    This outfit has inspired me to have today be the day my fur collar comes back into action. Thanks.

  3. Lucky is my favorite mag too {although I do like Instyle on occassion}! Love this cute b&w skirt - such a fun pattern!

  4. Mrs.M in MI10:36 AM

    I subscribe to a lot of fashion magazines but I secretly adore Seventeen, too. It's about the only magazine where I can actually afford the clothes they use in their editorials!

  5. My fave is INStyle - although you are right, its mostly celebrities - i do get some inspired by looks there.
    When I was a teen I would read TEEN BEAT -fashion was the last and least of my worries. I dare not share pictures from the era !

  6. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Love the outfit!! I found a skirt almost exactly like that at the Goodwill and you've given me inspiration on how to style it (well minus the fur collar)
    You were so cute as a teenager!

  7. You were very beautiful! (still are)

  8. I think your look works. I'm older than you and read Seventeen when Cheryl Tiegs graced the cover loved that magazine.
    My take on using younger styling on an older women is to not look like a 'girl'. As long as it is basically a womanly look it will work. Graphic T's on me are tricky I have to pair them with a blazer and jeans OR tailored slacks and a jeans jacket. Otherwise if it is all young I look like I am trying to dress like a teen.

  9. Hey, Seventeen is a great magazine (horrible dating advice notwithstanding :) I kind of want to go out and buy a copy now. Lucky is fun. The only magazine I get delivered at home is Cosmo. Weirdly, I like the fashion pages better than those other pages for which Cosmo is known. They're fun and colorful. I love the collar on your jacket. So dramatic!


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